Page 30 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 30
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 28 whose emigration they are? In this paper we analyze the problem
described on the case of the Germans who emigrated from Slove­
nia. We derive from the civic (voluntary, territorial) understanding
of the nation. Based on a field research carried out among Gotts­
chee Germans in the United States, Canada, Austria and Germany,
as well as analysis of the newspaper Der Untersteirer published by
the Untersteirer Germans, it will be presented, with which state or
region do the Slovenian Germans in diaspora identify themselves
and how do they ethnically define themselves. A critical reflection
on the relationship between Slovenians and Slovenian Germans in
diaspora will be given, with a focus on the collective memory of
both communities which determines the relationship beetween
them, and also an understanding of Slovenian emigration.
Anja Moric je doktorirala na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljublja­
ni, smer politologija na temo iz Slovenije izseljenih Nemcev, po­
leg tega zaključuje tudi študij etnologije in kulturne antropologije na
Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Je avtorica večih znanstvenih člankov
o kočevskih Nemcih. O tej temi je predavala na simpozijih in kon­
ferencah v Sloveniji in v tujini. V začetku leta 2016 je pod vodstvom
Anje Moric začel delovati tudi Zavod Putscherle, center za razisko­
vanje, kulturo in ohranjanje kulturne dediščine, ki pripravlja pro­
jekte na področju interpretacije kočevarske dediščine.
Anja Moric has her doctorate from the University of Ljubljana’s Fac­
ulty of Social Sciences in Political Science on the topic of Germans
who emigrated from Slovenia, a topic on which she has published
several academic articles and lectured at symposia and conferences
in Slovenia and abroad. She also studies Cultural Anthropology at
the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. In 2016 under the lead
of Anja Moric Putscherle Institute, Centre for Research, Culture
and Cultural Heritage Preservation became operational, which is
preparing projects in the field of the Gottscheer heritage interpre­
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