Page 27 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 27
ti v Sloveniji (kakor tudi položaj slovenskih manjšin v zamejstvu) mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 25
in položaj (jezikovnih) manjšinskih skupnosti na Švedskem urejen
s posebnimi mednarodnopravnimi pogodbami. Tako bo predstav­
ljeno tudi delovanje sistema (sistemov) varstva (avtohtonih) narod­
nih skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji (RS) in zaščite manjšin v Kraljevini
Švedski (KŠ), opredeljena pa bo tudi vloga jezika oziroma jezikovne
politike v samem procesu. Jezik namreč igra pomembno, pogos­
to celo ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju in ohranjanju etničnih skupno­
sti, tako narodov kot narodnih manjšin. Gre za temeljni kazalnik et­
nične pripadnosti ter hkrati za močno vidno sestavino solidarnosti
neke skupnosti.

Comparison of Language Policy Framework
and Linguistic Rights of National Minorities
in the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom
of Sweden
Ever since the end of the World War II, nation state has been es­
tablished as an irrefutable foundation for political independence.
The system of nation states has been entitled to this souvereignty,
based on the Doctrine of self-determination – every nation has the
right to obtain (sustain) political independence/souvereignty over
its territory and its people. But national minorities are not entitled
to that and therefore are living proof that practice of nation states
does not necessarily coincide with the Principle of Self-determina­
tion of Nations. Political independence is difficult to gain because
of the territorial division it demands as well. Thus, many nation­
al minorities achieve nothing, which automatically makes them the
source of international instability and conflict.
Even though my presentation will focus primarily on linguistic and
political frame of protection of minorities, legal aspects have to
be included as well. The position of national minorities in Slovenia
as well as national minorities in Sweden, is based on international
treaties. Accordingly, I shall introduce the systems for protection
of national minoriteis in the Republic of Slovenia as well as in the
Kingdom of Sweden. Furthermore, I will talk about the role of the
language in the process – its role is definitely vital, because it helps
to form and maintain ethnic communities, nations and national mi­
norities. The language is, after all, the key indicatior of ethnic affilia­
tion and a strong indicator of community`s solidarity.
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