Page 45 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 45
e as a street poetry (RAP = Rhythm and Poetry« or »Rhythmi­ mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 43
cally Accentuated Poetry«). After that a short review of evolution
of Slovenian street poetry in historical context will be presented. In
Slovenia the first attempts of spoken language, mixed up with sing­
ing can be observed in the songs in the early 80`s, but we have been
able to talk about street poetry only since 1994, when the first two
Slovenian rap albums were recorded (Včasih smučam hit (Košir­
RapTeam) in Leva scena (Ali En)). They signified the turning point
in the area of musical and poetical art. After the second world war
Slovenian public life was often influenced by different types of cen­
sorship. During that time a lot of people from ex-Yugoslavia coun­
tries migrated to Slovenia. Both facts, which will be discussed of
in this article, contributed to a beginning of Slovenian street poet­
ry in the 90`s. After the theoretical and historical part, also the an­
alitical part will be presented. The concrete examples of Slovenian
street poetry, where impatience/intolerance occurs in the street
poets` lyrics will be shown. This theme will perform in three roles:
the negative relation towards the different, the negative relation to­
wards immigrants and the appeal to toleration. The article will em­
brace different thematic fields of this international scientific meet­
ing this way.
Jernej Kusterle (1987), magister profesor slovenistike, je diplomiral z
delom Strukturalna poetika ulične poezije, magistriral pa z delom Te­
orija slovenske ulične poezije in družbeni kontekst. Ob tem je ulično
poezijo utemeljil tudi v znanstvenih člankih: Stilistika ulične poezije
(Primerjalna književnost 37.1; 109–124), Zgodovinski in tipološki pre­
gled ulične poezije ( Jezik in slovstvo 59.4; 97–110), Ulična poezija v in­
terakciji z (živim) jezikom ( Jezikoslovni zapiski 20.1; 93–105) in Vplivi
spleta na slovensko ulično poezijo (Slavistična revija 63.4; 419–430).
Kusterle je bil v študijskem letu 2015/16 urednik za kritiko in poezijo
pri reviji študentk in študentov ljubljanske slovenistike Besedoholik.
Objavil je dve pesniški zbirki: Pesniška svoboda (2004), Neskončne
poljane digitalnih misli (2012) in rap glasbeni album Zapisi v dnevnik
EP (2007). Je tudi urednik antologije jeseniških pesnikov z naslovom
Železarska lirika (2014), za katero je dobil JSKD-jevo priznanje za
najboljšo samozaložniško knjigo v letu 2014 v kategoriji »antologi­
Jernej Kusterle (1987) is a master's degree professor of Slovenian
studies. Within his research field (street poetry) he wrote a degree
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