Page 47 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 47
ge muzejske prakse adresiraju narative o Kovačiću (kao bor­ mednarodno znanstveno srečanje mladih humanistov, 2016 45
cu-pjesniku-mučeniku, koji opjevava svoju smrt) koji se pojavlju­
ju u javnom diskursu, smatrajući ih „službenim mitovima“ socijalis­
tičke Jugoslavije i osporavajući ih kroz poziv za 'deziodeologizaciju'
pjesnikova života i interpretacije njegovih tekstova. (Hrvatska kn­
jiževna kritika u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji zapravo ih je osporavala
već 1960ih).
Ovaj rad analizira ove reinterpretativne pothvate kao pokušaje st­
varanja drugačijeg sjećanja na Ivana Gorana Kovačića i njegova dje­
la, i slijedom toga, pokušaje pozicioniranja pjesnika u hrvatskom kn­
jiževnom kanonu, društvu i identitetu.

From a Poeta Vates to a Vitalist Poet:
(Re)interpretations and (Re)evaluations
of Ivan Goran Kovačić

This paper is based on the author’s research of the contempo­
rary social memory of the Croatian poet Ivan Goran Kovačič (1913-
1943) in the context of the poetry festival Goran’s Spring (Croatian,
Goranovo proljeće) and contemporary Croatian society. Based on
the theoretical framework of literary ethnology/anthropology (cf.
Čale Feldman), it is part of the author’s wider research interest in
the poetics and politics of the construction of contemporary Cro­
atian poetry, regarding poetry in context and in its interaction with
contemporary society.
The titular (re)interpretations and (re)evaluations of the life and
work of Ivan Goran Kovačić can be traced from the 1990s and seen
at their climax in the 2000s in literary criticism, historiography and
museum practices – here regarded as institutional “modes of re­
membering” (cf. Connerton, Assman). These critical texts, exhi­
bitions and museum practices address the recurring narratives of
Kovačić (as a fighter-poet-martyr, versifying his death) in public dis­
course, regarding them as “official myths” of socialist Yugoslavia and
disputing them by calling for a deideologisation of the poet’s life and
the interpretations of his texts. (Croatian literary criticism in social­
ist Yugoslavia actually implicitly disputed them in the 1960s).
This paper analyses these endeavours as attempts of creating a dif­
ferent memory of Ivan Goran Kovačić and his work, as well as the
subsequent positioning of the poet in the contemporary Croatian
national literary canon, society and identity.
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