Page 30 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 30
Sandwich Management

food technology, cooking, computer programming, internet use, econo-
metrics, market research and computer networking.

The project was developed by the following Slovene students of the
Faculty of Business, Management and Informatics in Novo Mesto in Slo-
venia: Kristjan Longar, Patricija Kastelec, Barbara Kiren, Monika Jakše
and Karmen Kek, in co-operation with the economy through the compa-
ny REPA. The REPA representative involved was the working mentor, Mr
Gašper Repanšek. The pedagogical mentors were two lecturers from the
SBM: Dr. Barbara Rodica and the co-ordinator, Dr. Sergej Gričar.

Project Purpose, Project Objectives and the Research Question
We live in times of a COOL society (Gričar and Rodica 2016). Consumers
are more aware of the new possible means of acquiring goods. Nowadays,
30 transactions can be completed almost instantly using an internet applica-
tion. Consquentially, companies are aware that it is necessary to develop
relevant services that are adapted to the modern consumer. They have to
be able to offer unique contents in comparison to their competitors. Due
to different implementations they represent an added and compelling val-
ue. With development of the mobile application, we wanted to incorporate
the contemporary characteristics of ordering goods or services over the in-

The objective of the project was directed primarily towards developing
a computer and mobile application that would enable a service or product
to be ordered in a fast and efficient manner. The objective was also aimed
at planning a fast service, in particular where the consumer is offered a new
product from our available recipes. This fast service reagards both delivery
as well as ordering. We wanted to develop an application which would ena-
ble the customer to access the product without excessive typing.

According to classification system of education and training (KLASI-
US), the project is defined within the following fields: P-4828-Use of in-
ternet and computer networks; P-4812-Computer programming and pro-
gramming languages; P-5419-Food industry other; 3419-Wholesale (trade)
and retail (other); 3412-Econometrics, 5412-Cookery, 5419-Food industry
other; 3423-Market research.

The research question of the project is
‘ how to effectively produce a sandwich according to individual wish-

es of the buyer’.
We have also analysed numerous other questions. We were interest-
ed in how the final price is influenced by the »home delivery, workplace
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