Page 32 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 32
Sandwich Management

the interdisciplinary team. It also teaches students to be professionally crit-
ical and responsible, innovative and independent in decision making, lead-
ership skills and influencing the formation of the students’ profiles. The
students acquired the following competences, expertise and skills through
their involvement in the project:

– capability of verifying the problem and its analysis, as well as fore-
seeing the operational solutions in the culinary and marketing
– capability of controlling standard development methods and pro-
cedures in the quantitative research and culinary;
– capability of verifying the problem and its analysis, and foreseeing
the operational solutions in the technological sense;
– capability of mastering standard development methods and pro-
32 cedures;

– capability of using the acquired theoretical knowledge in practise;
– knowledge and understanding of social systems in the working
– use of professional secondary language in the written form;
– co-operation and teamwork competency;
– understanding developments of the national economy;
– incorporation of citizens into the business environment and the
social impact of technologies on the environment;
– capability of understanding and using modern theories from the
field of techniques and natural sciences;
– capability of statistical understanding of technical problems and
the use of mathematics with their resolving;
– capability of interdisciplinary connections of economics and busi-
ness knowledge with techniques and natural sciences;
– understanding of institutional frameworks of work and legisla-
– capability of organising and leading a department or a group;
– active and critical monitoring of the development of new meth-
ods of using computer and mobile applications;
– ods of using culinary mechanical and thermal technologies.

All students, the working mentor and the pedagogical mentors have
been actively involved in the research. Students have been acquainted with
the working process of the virtual organisation and how important the
precision and simplicity of the computer and mobile application is for the
consumer. Students have been familiarised with market research and its
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