Page 33 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 33
Determinants of the Project (and Research) 33

importance in the service they wanted to develop. The needs of consumers
have been defined with the help from the working and pedagogical men-
tors. Students have been acquainted with working procedures for success-
ful project comprehension.

Working Methods
The overview of theoretical starting points is followed in the next chapter
by the empirical section and divided into more subchapters. The chapters
follow one another systematically. This is executed according to the test-
ing and weighing of ideas, the presentation of results, their meaning and
implications in the project regarding the studied service and its problems.
Although the stress focuses on the methodological steps, the core of the
project assignment is the applicative transfer of knowledge amongst the
economy, the students and the institution for higher education within the
set activities of the project. These are:
– the pedagogical mentors actively direct the students towards

achieving the set objectives of the project;
– the pedagogical mentors actively direct the students towards the

purpose of the project;
– the working mentor actively participates in the implementation

process of the project;
– the working mentor introduces the students with the virtual sale

– advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and competences;
– the working mentor actively introduces the students with the

working process and guides them towards the parts of the project
that are connected to the research in the project;
– the students develop the project and form it together with the
– the students keep a progress timeline/report on the project and of
the status of the project in the time when the project implementa-
tion is in progress;
– the students acquaint themselves with virtual organisation and
availability in the market;
– the students prepare the final report alongside the pedagogical
mentors. This report contains information regarding who, when
and how they have contributed to the realisation of the project;
– the working mentor and co-ordinator prepares the final report
on the performed project and gives an opinion about the status of
the project for further work;
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