Page 98 - Kavčič, Klemen, in Klemen Bončina, 2016. Načrtovanje organizacijske politike ob vključevanju zunanjega izvajanja dejavnosti. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
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Lofvers, M. 2013. »Trends & Strategies in Logistics and s cm.« Http://www
Mayer, J. 1994. Vizija ustvarjalnega podjetja. Ljubljana: Dedalus.
McIvor, R. 2010. Global Services Outsourcing. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
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Millar, J. E. 2002. »Outsourcing Practices in Europe.« Issue Report 27,
Socio-Economic Trends Assessments of the Digital Revolution, Mi-
Mintzberg, H. 1973. »Strategy-Making in Three Modes.« California Mana-
gement Review 16 (2): 44–53.
———. 1994. The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning. New York: Prentice-
Mintzberg, H., J. Lampel, in B. Ahlstrand. 1998. The Strategy Safari: A Gui-
ded Tour through the Wilds of Strategic Management. London: The Free
Mowshowitz, A. 1999. »The Switching Principle in Virtual Organization.«
V Proceedings of the 2nd International VoNet Workshop, ur. P. Sieber in
J. Griese, 6–18. Bern: Simowa.
Mulej, M. 1992. Teorije sistemov. Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta.
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Nonaka, I., in H. Takeuchi. 1995. The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford:
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Ogorelc, A. 2004. The Third-Party Logistics: The Emerging European Logistics
Industry. University of Maribor.
Palugod, N., in P. A. Palugod. 2011. »Global Trends in Offshoring and Out-
sourcing.« International Journal of Business and Social Science 17 (2): 13–
Pavlin, C. 2014. »Povpraševanje po storitvah 3pl se močno povečuje.« Delo,
17. februar. Http://
Penrose, E. T. 1959. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Hoboken, nj: Wi-
Petelin, B. 2004. »Zunanje izvajanje informatike.« Magistrska naloga, Eko-
nomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana.