Page 132 - Mevlja, Bojan, in Kavčič, Klemen, 2016. Vpliv deležnikov na razvoj nevladnih izobraževalnih organizacij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 132
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Najam, Adil. 1996. »ng o Accountability: A Conceptual Framework.« Deve-
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Narcy, Mathieu. 2011. »Would Nonprofit Workers Accept to Earn Less? Evi-
dence from France.« Applied Economics 43 (3): 313–326.
Neely, Andy, Bernard Marr, Goran Roos, Stephen Pike in Oliver Gupta.
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Neymeyr, Kara, George G. Candler in Georgette Dumont. 2007. »A Nonpro-
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Nicholls, Alex. 2009. »We Do Good Things, Don’t We? Blended Value Acco-
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ciety 34 (6–7): 755–769.
Nowland-Foreman, Garth. 1998. »Purchase-of-Service Contracting, Volun-
tary Organizations, and Civil Society.« American Behavioral Scientist
42 (1): 108–123.
Nunnenkamp, Peter, in Hannes Öhler. 2012. »How to Attract Donations:
cability of the Existing Body of Knowledge to Nonprofit Organizati-
ons.« International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29
(7): 740–763.
Moynihan, Donald P., in Sanjay K. Pandey. 2007. »The Ties that Bind: Social
Networks, Person-Organization Value Fit, and Turnover Intention.«
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18 (2): 205–227.
Mrak, Boris. 2001. »Management nepridobitnih organizacij – nevladnih
organizacij na začetku tretjega tisočletja in njihove vloge v Evrop-
ski uniji in v partnerskih državah.« V Management v evropskem okolju,
191–197. Koper: Visoka šola za management.
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport. 2007. Strategija vseživljenjskosti učenja v Slo-
veniji. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport.
Mumby, Dennis K. 1988. Communication and Power in Organizations: Disco-
urse, Ideology, and Domination. Norwood, nj: Ablex.
Muršak, Janko. 2012. Temeljni pojmi poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja.
Ljubljana: Center rs za poklicno izobraževanje.
Najam, Adil. 1996. »ng o Accountability: A Conceptual Framework.« Deve-
lopment Policy Review 14 (3): 339–353.
Narcy, Mathieu. 2011. »Would Nonprofit Workers Accept to Earn Less? Evi-
dence from France.« Applied Economics 43 (3): 313–326.
Neely, Andy, Bernard Marr, Goran Roos, Stephen Pike in Oliver Gupta.
2003. »Towards the Third Generation of Performance Measurement.«
Controlling 15 (3–4): 129–135.
Neymeyr, Kara. 2005. »Non-Profit Accountability Auditing: Application of
an Accountability Audit Matrix to Fifteen Non-Profit Organizations
in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.« Doktorska disertacija, Bridge-
water State University, Bridgewater, m a.
Neymeyr, Kara, George G. Candler in Georgette Dumont. 2007. »A Nonpro-
fit Accountability Audit Framework.« Predstavljeno na Annual Me-
eting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, i l, 12.
Nicholls, Alex. 2009. »We Do Good Things, Don’t We? Blended Value Acco-
unting in Social Entrepreneurship.« Accounting, Organizations and So-
ciety 34 (6–7): 755–769.
Nowland-Foreman, Garth. 1998. »Purchase-of-Service Contracting, Volun-
tary Organizations, and Civil Society.« American Behavioral Scientist
42 (1): 108–123.
Nunnenkamp, Peter, in Hannes Öhler. 2012. »How to Attract Donations: