Page 133 - Mevlja, Bojan, in Kavčič, Klemen, 2016. Vpliv deležnikov na razvoj nevladnih izobraževalnih organizacij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
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The Case of u s ng o s in International Development.« Journal of De-
velopment Studies 48 (10): 1522–1535.
Osborne, David, in Ted Gaebler. 1993. Reinventing Government. New York:
Oster, Sharon M. 1995. Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Ostrower, Francie. 2007. Nonprofit Governance in the United States: Findings
on Performance and Accountability from the First National Representa-
tive Study. Washington, d c: Urban Institute.
Otley, David. 1999. »Performance Management: A Framework for Mana-
gement Control Systems Research.« Management Accounting Research
10 (4): 363–382.
Packard, Thomas. 2010. »Staff Perfections of Variables Affecting Perfor-
mance in Human Service Organizations.« Nonprofit and Voluntary Sec-
tor Quarterly 39 (6): 971–990.
Parlalis, Stavros K. 2011. »Organizational Changes and Job Satisfaction
among Support Staff.« Journal of Social Service Research 37 (2): 197–
Penna, Robert M. 2011. The Nonprofit Outcomes Toolbox: A Complete Guide
to Program Effectiveness, Performance Measurement, and Results. Hobo-
ken, nj: Wiley.
Pestoff, Victor A. 1991. Between Markets and Politics: Co-Operatives in Swe-
den. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
Petrovits, Christine, Catherine Shakespeare in Aimee Shih. 2011. »The Ca-
use and Consequences of Internal Control Problems in Nonprofit Or-
ganizations.« Accounting Review 86 (1): 325–357.
Pravno-informacijski center nevladnih organizacij. 2006. Celovita analiza
pravnega okvira za delovanje nevladnih organizacij: analiza. Maribor:
Pravna fakulteta.
Podmenik, Dane, in Staša Česnik. 2015. »Socialno podjetništvo med trgom,
nevladnimi organizacijami ter državo.« V O stanju in perspektivah soci-
alnega podjetništva v Sloveniji in Hrvaški, ur. Frane Adam, 30–47. Ljub-
ljana: Inštitut za razvojne in strateške analize.
Poister, Theodore H. 2003. Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit
Organizations. San Francisco, c a: Jossey-Bass.
Potter, Joshua D., in Sue E. S. Crawford. 2008. »Organizational Ecology and
the Movement of Nonprofit Organizations.« State & Local Government
Review 40 (2): 92–100.