Page 135 - Mevlja, Bojan, in Kavčič, Klemen, 2016. Vpliv deležnikov na razvoj nevladnih izobraževalnih organizacij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 135
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terminants of Giving Behavior.« Journal of Business Research 59 (2):
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Measuring Business Excellence 16 (3): 17–28.
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Existing Financial Performance Measures.« Nonprofit Management
and Leadership 13 (4): 367–381.
Roethlisberger, Fritz J., in William. J. Dickson. 1939. Management and the
Worker. Cambridge, m a: Harvard University Press.
Romzek, Barbara S., in Melvin J. Dubnick. 1987. »Accountability in the Pu-
blic Sector: Lessons from the Challenger Tragedy.« Public Administra-
tion Review 47 (3): 227–238.
Rončević, Borut. 2001. »Nekaj nastavkov za sociološko obravnavo nevla-
dnih organizacij.« V Jadranje po nemirnih vodah menedžmenta nevla-
dnih organizacij, ur. Dejan Jelovac, 23–35. Ljubljana: Radio Študent;
Koper: Visoka šola za management.
Różewski, Przemysław, in Bartłomiej Małachowski. 2009. Competence Ma-
nagement in Knowledge-Based Organisation: Case Study Based on Higher
Education Organisation. Berlin: Springer.
Rusjan Figelj, Roland, in Roberto Biloslavo. 2008. »Vplivne skupine udele-
žencev v slovenski prehrambeni panogi.« Organizacija 41 (4): 191–198.
Saj, Phil. 2013. »Charity Performance Reporting: Comparing Board and
Executive Roles.« Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 10
(3–4): 347–368.
Salamon, Lester M. 2010. »Putting the Civil Society Sector on the Economic
Map of the World.« Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 81 (2):
Salamon, Lester M., in Helmut K. Anheier. 1996. The Emerging Nonprofit
Sector: An Overview. Manchester in New York: Manchester University
Salamon, Lester M., Helmut K. Anheier, Regina List, Simon Toepler in Woj-
ciech S. Sokolowski. 1999. Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Non-
profit Sector. Baltimore, m d: The Johns Hopkins University.
Salamon, Lester M., Wojciech S. Sokolowski in Regina List. 2003. Global Ci-
vil Society: An Overview; The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sec-
tor Project. Baltimore, m d: The Johns Hopkins University.
Sargeant, Adrian, John B. Ford in Douglas C. West. 2006. »Perceptual De-
terminants of Giving Behavior.« Journal of Business Research 59 (2):
Schobel, Kurt, in Cam Scholey. 2012. »Balanced Scorecards in Education.«
Measuring Business Excellence 16 (3): 17–28.
Scott, William R. 1981. Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems.
Englewood Cliffs, nj: Prentice Hall.