Page 136 - Mevlja, Bojan, in Kavčič, Klemen, 2016. Vpliv deležnikov na razvoj nevladnih izobraževalnih organizacij. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 136
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Selznick, Philip. 1948. »Foundations for the Theory of Organizations.«
American Sociological Review 13 (1): 25–35.
Shapiro, Susan P. 2005. »Agency Theory.« Annual Review of Sociology 31:263–
Siciliano, Julie I. 1997. »The Relationship between Formal Planning and
Performance in Nonprofit Organizations.« Nonprofit Management and
Leadership 7 (4): 387–403.
Smith, Steven Rathgeb, in Michael Lipsky. 1994. Non-Profits for Hire: The
Welfare State in the Age of Contracting. Cambridge, m a: Harvard Uni-
versity Press.
Sowa, Jessica E., Sally Coleman Selden in Jodi R. Sandfort. 2004. »No Lon-
ger Unmeasurable? A Multidimensional Integrated Model of Nonpro-
fit Organizational Effectiveness.« Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quar-
terly 33 (4): 711–728.
Speckbacher, Gerhard. 2003. »The Economics of Performance Management
in Nonprofit Organizations.« Nonprofit Management and Leadership 13
(3): 267–281.
Standerfer, Christina, in Joseph Schafer. 2011. »Holding Nonprofits Acco-
untable: Frameworks that Distinguish between Looking Good and
Doing Good.« Predstavljeno na mednarodni konferenci Improving
the Quality of Public Services and Public Management, Moskva, 28–
29. junij.
Studer, Sibylle, in Georg von Schnurbein. 2012. »Organizational Factors
Affecting Volunteers: A Literature Review on Volunteer Coordina-
tion.« Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Orga-
nization 24 (2): 403–440.
Suárez, David F. 2011. »Collaboration and Professionalization: The Conto-
urs of Public Sector Funding for Nonprofit Organizations.« Journal of
Public Administration Research and Theory 21 (2): 307–326.
Svetina, Metka. 2013. »Vrednotenje in priznavanje neformalno in priložno-
stno pridobljenega znanja v luči koncepta vseživljenjskosti učenja.« V
Ugotavljanje, vrednotenje in priznavanje neformalno in priložnostno pri-
dobljenega znanja odraslih, ur. Tanja Vilič Klenovšek in Urška Pavlič,
14–37. Ljubljana: Andragoški center Slovenije.
Svetlik, Ivan. 1992. »Slovenia: A Portrait of a New European Country.« V
Social Policy in Slovenia: Between Tradition and Innovation, ur. Ivan Sve-
tlik, 1–14. Aldershot: Avebury.
Szper, Rebecca, in Aseem Prakash. 2011. »Charity Watchdogs and the Li-