Page 108 - Zirnstein, Elizabeta, 2016. Izumi, avtorska dela in drugi rezultati ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti delovnem razmerju. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 108
Izumi, avtorska dela in drugi rezultati ustvarjalnosti in inovativnosti v delovnem razmerju

mi-conductor, copyright and plant variety rights are granted (allocated)
to the employer. The current Slovenian legislation regarding creativity and
innovation in employment relationship derives from the principle of in-
ventorship (authorship), adjusts it with the principle of efficiency and thus
seeks to ensure an appropriate balance between the two. The appropriate
balance is achieved regarding the rights in inventions, topographies of se-
mi-conductor products and new varieties of plants, although there is still
some room for a greater efficiency of legislation in this field (mainly regar-
ding the procedural aspects of allocation of intellectual property rights).
On the other hand, the legal regulation regarding employees copyright is
not effective. In the book, we propose some amendments to the legislation
in this area. We argue that the legislation that regulates the remunetarion
of employees for inventions and other results of creativity is also ineffecti-
108 ve. In the future, the results of latest research that questions the existing
assumptions about the strong connection between creative effort of wor-
kers with the promise of financial rewards will have to be considered when
preparing the changes in this area.
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