Page 348 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2017. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. 2., dopolnjena elektronska izdaja. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper
P. 348
turizem v avstrijskem primorju
One of the specificities of the Littoral area was undoubtedly the devel-
opment of cave tourism, which represents the earliest example of tourism on
a global level and which was carried out mainly in the Postojna cave where
it achieved great success. In addition to the Postojna cave, we analysed tour-
ism development in the Vilenica and Škocjan caves, where the initiative and
the organization of tourist activities were handled by the cave section of the
mountaineering society. The two caves did not achieve as much recognisabil-
ity as the Postojna cave (especially not Vilenica), which depended on various
factors (transport accessibility and location, management and regulation of
ownership or lease, the arrangement of infrastructure in the caves).
Tourist destinations of the Austrian Littoral, that were mentioned, had,
in the phase of their formation and in the establishment of modern tourism,
successfully positioned themselves on the market. Towns became famous and
popular tourist destinations in both the local (regional) and wider national
area or even abroad. Travel trends mostly followed European fashion trends,
but taking into account the peculiarities of this area (caves). The successful
development of tourism activities is also shown in the investment in tourist
infrastructure, by national and local authorities as well as by private investors.
Good transport accessibility and promotional activity contributed to an even
greater success of destinations, which had primarily developed on the basis
of natural resources, attractiveness, and new medical findings. The develop-
ment was temporarily interrupted by World War I, which also rearranged the
country’s borders.
One of the specificities of the Littoral area was undoubtedly the devel-
opment of cave tourism, which represents the earliest example of tourism on
a global level and which was carried out mainly in the Postojna cave where
it achieved great success. In addition to the Postojna cave, we analysed tour-
ism development in the Vilenica and Škocjan caves, where the initiative and
the organization of tourist activities were handled by the cave section of the
mountaineering society. The two caves did not achieve as much recognisabil-
ity as the Postojna cave (especially not Vilenica), which depended on various
factors (transport accessibility and location, management and regulation of
ownership or lease, the arrangement of infrastructure in the caves).
Tourist destinations of the Austrian Littoral, that were mentioned, had,
in the phase of their formation and in the establishment of modern tourism,
successfully positioned themselves on the market. Towns became famous and
popular tourist destinations in both the local (regional) and wider national
area or even abroad. Travel trends mostly followed European fashion trends,
but taking into account the peculiarities of this area (caves). The successful
development of tourism activities is also shown in the investment in tourist
infrastructure, by national and local authorities as well as by private investors.
Good transport accessibility and promotional activity contributed to an even
greater success of destinations, which had primarily developed on the basis
of natural resources, attractiveness, and new medical findings. The develop-
ment was temporarily interrupted by World War I, which also rearranged the
country’s borders.