Page 344 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2017. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. 2., dopolnjena elektronska izdaja. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper
P. 344
turizem v avstrijskem primorju
For the promotion of foreign traffic, the associations joined, both at
provincial and national level, into provincial associations which also financed
their activity. The provincial associations in the Littoral were established in
Gorizia, Trieste, and Opatija. These associations took care of the surround-
ings, parks and walking trails, but also of publishing information bulletins,
organizing events and transports, and publicity in general – and of publish-
ing articles in newspapers, issuing monthly magazines, printing postcards,
guides; they also organised trips and participated in exhibitions. In coopera-
tion with the Ministry of the railways, the provincial associations organised
the so-called social trips or trips for fun by train, which offered the passengers
or tourists discounts for train tickets. Their activities were financially sup-
ported by the state (the Ministry) as well as with regional contributions or
These organizations, the Ministry of public works3 and railways,4 were a
tool for the country and the provinces to achieve greater tidiness of the towns,
promotion of tourist activity, engagement and education of locals in this field
and investments in tourism infrastructure with the aim of attracting as many
visitors as possible, that would also be satisfied with the local services. Despite
some critics (e.g. the presented Gärtner’s article from 1906) on behalf of the
lack of advertising and suitable (comfortable) facilities, improper sanitation
organization, price adequacy, and other deficiencies, tourism in the country
and in the Littoral was developing successfully also through the work of asso-
ciations and societies. The state played a very important role in tourism devel-
opment until World War I.
Investing in an appropriate infrastructure that managed to attract and
retain elite guests was important for further development of tourist resorts
in the Austrian Littoral. The tidiness of the surroundings, walking areas, ho-
tels and guesthouses, installation of the plumbing, electric lighting, sewerage
systems, and excursions, sports activities and entertainment were important
factors for success. The initiative and investments of public entities (the State,
provinces) and in particular the local and regional administrations for mod-
ernisation of cities and tourist resorts were also actively involved.
3 In 1907, the responsibility for tourism was passed to the Ministry for community works (Bressan,
2007, 245–246).
4 The responsibility for tourism in Austro-Hungarian monarchy was also taken care by some mini-
stries and state agencies. Until the establishment of the Ministry of railways in 1886 and its thirte-
enth section, which took care of promotion of influx of foreigners, tourism was taken care by Di-
rectorate-General of national railways. The new ministry also collaborated with the Ministry of
trade and it planned a tourist propaganda strategy together with provincial associations (Bressan,
2007, 245–246).
For the promotion of foreign traffic, the associations joined, both at
provincial and national level, into provincial associations which also financed
their activity. The provincial associations in the Littoral were established in
Gorizia, Trieste, and Opatija. These associations took care of the surround-
ings, parks and walking trails, but also of publishing information bulletins,
organizing events and transports, and publicity in general – and of publish-
ing articles in newspapers, issuing monthly magazines, printing postcards,
guides; they also organised trips and participated in exhibitions. In coopera-
tion with the Ministry of the railways, the provincial associations organised
the so-called social trips or trips for fun by train, which offered the passengers
or tourists discounts for train tickets. Their activities were financially sup-
ported by the state (the Ministry) as well as with regional contributions or
These organizations, the Ministry of public works3 and railways,4 were a
tool for the country and the provinces to achieve greater tidiness of the towns,
promotion of tourist activity, engagement and education of locals in this field
and investments in tourism infrastructure with the aim of attracting as many
visitors as possible, that would also be satisfied with the local services. Despite
some critics (e.g. the presented Gärtner’s article from 1906) on behalf of the
lack of advertising and suitable (comfortable) facilities, improper sanitation
organization, price adequacy, and other deficiencies, tourism in the country
and in the Littoral was developing successfully also through the work of asso-
ciations and societies. The state played a very important role in tourism devel-
opment until World War I.
Investing in an appropriate infrastructure that managed to attract and
retain elite guests was important for further development of tourist resorts
in the Austrian Littoral. The tidiness of the surroundings, walking areas, ho-
tels and guesthouses, installation of the plumbing, electric lighting, sewerage
systems, and excursions, sports activities and entertainment were important
factors for success. The initiative and investments of public entities (the State,
provinces) and in particular the local and regional administrations for mod-
ernisation of cities and tourist resorts were also actively involved.
3 In 1907, the responsibility for tourism was passed to the Ministry for community works (Bressan,
2007, 245–246).
4 The responsibility for tourism in Austro-Hungarian monarchy was also taken care by some mini-
stries and state agencies. Until the establishment of the Ministry of railways in 1886 and its thirte-
enth section, which took care of promotion of influx of foreigners, tourism was taken care by Di-
rectorate-General of national railways. The new ministry also collaborated with the Ministry of
trade and it planned a tourist propaganda strategy together with provincial associations (Bressan,
2007, 245–246).