Page 343 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2017. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. 2., dopolnjena elektronska izdaja. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper
P. 343
were around 28, in Lower Styria 16 (the Styrian societies were mainly Ger-
man). Many associations were also established in the Littoral area,2 in seaside
health resorts as well as in mountain resorts and generally in all places that
strived for unblemished surroundings that would attract foreigners. The es-
tablishment of embellishment societies and foreign traffic and entertainment
associations indicates that the importance of tourist activities was increasing.
On the other hand, the large number of societies and organisations which
were active in tourist destinations and other places and were intertwining,
overlapping and duplicating their activities (health committees, embellish-
ment societies, entertainment committees), shows a certain partition and in-
coherence of workers in tourism. The high number is not surprising, however,
as the Ministry for community services, the Ministry of transport and for-
eign traffic associations financially supported these activities.
Societies inspired by Swiss, English and German patterns were estab-
lished in the second half of the 19th century. At the time of the establishment,
a set of regulations that defined the purpose, the way of gaining financial re-
sources, organisational structure, membership, and activity was issued. The
first embellishment society in Slovenia was founded in Celje in 1871. In the
researched area, the first association was in Postojna, founded in 1883 (in Car-
niola). A cave commission was also active in Postojna and it was founded al-
ready in 1823. On the Riviera, the first association was based in Opatija; an
embellishment society and the Opatija section of the Austrian tourist club
operated since 1885, although the town was only declared a health resort four
years later. Grado was very late in this field; no association is mentioned until
1908. The reason for a relatively late establishment of the association in Grado
may be in its original nature as a children’s sanatorium which was ran and fi-
nanced by the municipality and its institutions; together with the health com-
mittee and the management of the sanatorium they also took care of the or-
derliness of the place. After the establishment of the board of trustees in 1907
and with the growing tourist development (that began already at the end of
the 19th century), an embellishment society was set up in Grado as well. It was
quite common place that health committees took care of the orderliness and
embellishment of spas as well as for the entertainment activities. Portorož
was declared a health resort in 1897; therefore the establishment of the associ-
ation two years after is not surprising and cannot be classified as late.
2 According to the list of embellishment associations, held by the national archive in Trieste, there
were 27 such societies in the period 1888–1913, next to three, which were addressed in the works: V:
AST, I.R. Luogotenenza, Società 1850–1919, Classifica B/XV, Società d'abbellimento, 1888–1913,
Classifica B/XVI and Classifica B/XVI/I, n° 17.
were around 28, in Lower Styria 16 (the Styrian societies were mainly Ger-
man). Many associations were also established in the Littoral area,2 in seaside
health resorts as well as in mountain resorts and generally in all places that
strived for unblemished surroundings that would attract foreigners. The es-
tablishment of embellishment societies and foreign traffic and entertainment
associations indicates that the importance of tourist activities was increasing.
On the other hand, the large number of societies and organisations which
were active in tourist destinations and other places and were intertwining,
overlapping and duplicating their activities (health committees, embellish-
ment societies, entertainment committees), shows a certain partition and in-
coherence of workers in tourism. The high number is not surprising, however,
as the Ministry for community services, the Ministry of transport and for-
eign traffic associations financially supported these activities.
Societies inspired by Swiss, English and German patterns were estab-
lished in the second half of the 19th century. At the time of the establishment,
a set of regulations that defined the purpose, the way of gaining financial re-
sources, organisational structure, membership, and activity was issued. The
first embellishment society in Slovenia was founded in Celje in 1871. In the
researched area, the first association was in Postojna, founded in 1883 (in Car-
niola). A cave commission was also active in Postojna and it was founded al-
ready in 1823. On the Riviera, the first association was based in Opatija; an
embellishment society and the Opatija section of the Austrian tourist club
operated since 1885, although the town was only declared a health resort four
years later. Grado was very late in this field; no association is mentioned until
1908. The reason for a relatively late establishment of the association in Grado
may be in its original nature as a children’s sanatorium which was ran and fi-
nanced by the municipality and its institutions; together with the health com-
mittee and the management of the sanatorium they also took care of the or-
derliness of the place. After the establishment of the board of trustees in 1907
and with the growing tourist development (that began already at the end of
the 19th century), an embellishment society was set up in Grado as well. It was
quite common place that health committees took care of the orderliness and
embellishment of spas as well as for the entertainment activities. Portorož
was declared a health resort in 1897; therefore the establishment of the associ-
ation two years after is not surprising and cannot be classified as late.
2 According to the list of embellishment associations, held by the national archive in Trieste, there
were 27 such societies in the period 1888–1913, next to three, which were addressed in the works: V:
AST, I.R. Luogotenenza, Società 1850–1919, Classifica B/XV, Società d'abbellimento, 1888–1913,
Classifica B/XVI and Classifica B/XVI/I, n° 17.