Page 12 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 12
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 10 Urška Blaznik studied at the University of Ljubljana, where she completed grad-
uate studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology as a chemist
/ biochemist, at the same University she completed specialization in the sani-
tary chemistry program and finished PhD study at the Medicine Faculty. As an
analytical chemist, she started to work in chemical laboratory of the region-
al Institute of Public Health in Kranj. Twelve years later, she joined the Depart-
ment for food safety and risk assessment at the National Institute for Public
Health in Ljubljana, where she works as a senior health researcher. Her areas
of research are related to public health and nutrition, more detailed to the ex-
posure assessment of chemical risk factors in food, food safety and in the last
period to the food reformulation and food consumption data. Her PhD theme
was cumulative risk assessment of some pesticides via fruit and vegetables for
children‘s health. She is an active member of the Working Group at the Minis-
try of Health to prepare a plan to reduce salt intake in the population of Slove-
nia and an expert support to the Ministry of Health and the Health Inspector-
ate in the area of safety of the ingredients of food supplements. She is taking
part in developing nutrivigilance system in Slovenia. She is a member of the
Council for Food Safety of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food and
member of the Working Group on claims and novel food at the same minis-
try. She works closely with the European Food Safety Authority in the Advi-
sory Forum and in the Expert Working Group for food consumption data. As
an active researcher participates in European and national projects and target-
ed research projects in the field of nutrition and food safety (trans fats, hemp,
EU Menu study) and continues to be part of developing methodology of evalu-
ation of the cumulative effects of chemicals in food in the European project Eu-
roMix. Frequently she attends educational, advisory, informational and public

Mprogramme in the national media.
etoda Dodič Fikfak je predstojnica Kliničnega inštituta za medicino de-
la, prometa in športa Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana vse od
leta 2000. Po diplomi na ljubljanski Medicinski fakulteti in opravljenem
magisteriju je doktorirala iz epidemiologije delovnega okolja na University of
Massachusetts, Lowell v Združenih državah. Vodila je Zdravstveni dom v Pos-
tojni in Inštitut za socialno medicino v Ljubljani. Ima več kot 20 let izkušenj z de-
lom na področju medicine dela, javnega zdravja, menedžmenta v zdravstvu ter
aplikativne znanosti. V letih 1999-2000 je vodila projekta Phare – Razvoj slov-
enskega sistema zdravja in varnosti pri delu in Nacionalne smernice za azbest.
Sodeluje pri številnih evropskih in domačih projektih in raziskovalnih nalogah.
Na ALUO uči ergonomijo, na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani pa epidemiologijo
delovnega okolja. Poleg tega ima več kot 60 drugih predavanj letno. Že več kot
15 let aktivno sodeluje pri strokovnih aktivnostih za prepoved uporabe in šir-
itev osveščenosti o nevarnosti uporabe azbesta v Sloveniji in svetu. Je avtorica
številnih raziskav na tem področju. Zadnje leta s konkretnimi podatki opozarja
na zdravstvene posledice prestrukturiranja gospodarstva na zdravje ljudi. Pod
njenim vodstvom se inštitut intenzivno strokovno razvija in širi svoje delovan-
je na nova strokovna področja. Za svoje delo je prejela več nagrad: Harriet
Hardy Award, Public Health and Human Rights Association iz ZDA ji je leta
2006 podelil mednarodno nagrado, v Sloveniji pa je prejela nagrado roža mog-
ota. Je predsednica strokovnega sveta humanitarnega društva bolnikov zaradi
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