Page 14 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 14
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 12 Charlotte Edwardson completed a BSc in Applied Sports Science (2004) and MSc
(2005) and PhD (part time, 2010) in Physical Activity and Health, all from Lough-
borough University, UK. Alongside her PhD she worked as a Research Asso-
ciate (2005-2010) for the Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University
where she specialised in the evaluation of physical activity and health initiatives
in young people. Following this she moved into the area of diabetes preven-
tion and worked as a Research Associate, University Hospitals of Leicester, UK
(2010-2013), on several large randomised controlled trials focused on increas-
ing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in people with a high risk
of type 2 diabetes. In 2013 she was appointed Lecturer, and subsequently As-
sociate Professor in 2016, in Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Health
in the Diabetes Research Centre, University of Leicester, UK. Her research fo-
cuses on understanding the role of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in
the prevention and management of chronic diseases, particularly type 2 diabe-
tes. This encompasses experimental, epidemiological and behaviour change in-
tervention studies. She has published more than 50 papers in these research
areas and currently holds research grants (totalling >£5 million) from the Med-
ical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Department of

NHealth and the European Commission.
ada Gosić je redna profesorica na Medicinski fakulteti in Fakulteti za zdra-
vstvene študije Univerze na Reki, magistrica političnih in družbenih ved
in doktorica filozofije. Je avtorica štirih knjig: Bioetička edukacija (Bio-
ethics Education), Pergamena, Zagreb, 2005, Bioetika in vivo (Bioethics in Vi-
vo), Pergamena, Zagreb 2005, Bioetičke perspective (Bioethical perspectives),
Pergamena, Zagreb 2011 in Liječnici-preteče bioetike (Physicians-forerunners
of bioethics), Pergamena, Zagreb, 2015. Je tudi avtorica številnih znanstvenih in
strokovnih del o medicinski etiki, bioetiki in etiki v zdravstveni negi. Bila je vod-
ja raziskovalnih projektov Bioetika in politika (Bioethics and Policy) ter Bioetika
in kultura (Bioethics and Culture), ki jih je podprlo Ministrstvo za znanost, izo-
braževanje in šport Republike Hrvaške.
Nada Gosić, full professor of Medical faculty and Faculty of health studies Uni-
versity in Rijeka, MA in political and social sciences, PhD in philosophy. She is
author of four books: Bioetička edukacija (Bioethics Education), Pergamena,
Zagreb, 2005, Bioetika in vivo (Bioethics in Vivo), Pergamena, Zagreb 2005,
Bioetičke perspective (Bioethical perspectives), Pergamena, Zagreb 2011., and
Liječnici-preteče bioetike (Physicians-forerunners of bioethics), Pergamena,
Zagreb, 2015. Also she is author of a numbers of scientific and expert works in
Medical Ethics, Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics. She was head of the scientific
projects Bioetika i politika (Bioethics and Policy), Bioetika i kultura (Bioethics
and Culture), realized with the support of the Ministry of Science, Education

Hand Sports of the Republic of Croatia.
erbert Löllgen vodi zasebno prakso za interno medicino, kardiologijo in
športno kardiologijo, hkrati od leta 2008 predava na Gutenberški uni-
verzi v Mainzu. Njegova primarna raziskovalna področja so: kardi-
ologija, fiziologija, breztežnostna preventivna medicina, telesna aktivnosti in
staranje ter preizkusi vzdržljivosti. V letih 1985 – 2008 je bil predstojnik bol-
nišničnih oddelkov interne medicine, intervencijske kardiologije, intenzivna
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