Page 13 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 13
esta, članica številnih stanovskih in strokovnih skupin, združenj, komisij in 4. znanstvena in strokovna konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 11
strokovnega kolegija ter podpredsednica strokovnega sveta za medicino dela,
prometa in športa itd.
Metoda Dodič Fikfak has been the head of the University Medical Centre in Lju-
bljana OMTS Clinical Institute since 2000. After graduation and gaining a mas-
ter’s at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana she received her Ph.D. in work en-
vironment epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. She
led the Health Centre in Postojna and the Institute for Social Medicine in Lju-
bljana. She has more than 20 years of work experience in medicine, public
health, healthcare management and applied sciences. In 1999-2000 she led the
Phare project “Development of the Slovenian Occupational Safety and Health
Management System” and the project “Asbestos National Guidelines”. She is
involved in various national and European projects and research tasks. She
teaches Ergonomics at the UL Academy of Fine Arts and Design and Work En-
vironment Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, she has over
60 other lectures annually. For more than 15 years she has been involved in ac-
tivities related to asbestos prohibition and raise of awareness about the dan-
gers of its use in Slovenia and abroad. She is the author of numerous studies
on the subject. On the basis of evidence gathered during the last years, she ad-
dresses how economic restructuring affects the human health. Under her lead-
ership, the Institute is intensively developing and expanding its functioning in-
to new areas of expertise. She has received several awards for her work: the
Harriet Hardy Award, she received an international prize from the USA Public
Health and Human Rights Association in 2006, while in Slovenia she received
the “Roža mogota” award. She is the chair of the humanitarian Association of
Patients Exposed to Asbestos Expert Council, member of numerous profes-
sional and peer groups, associations, committees, and Vice-president of the
COMTS Expert Council, etc.
harlotte Edwardson je na britanski univerzi Lounghborough diplomirala iz
športnih ved (2004), magistrirala (2005) in doktorirala (2010) pa iz telesne
aktivnosti in zdravja. Kot znanstvena sodelavka je bila v obdobju 2005-
2010 zaposlena na Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University, kjer
se je posvečala vrednotenju telesne aktivnosti in pobudam za zdravje mladih.
Strokovno delo je nadaljevala na področju preprečevanja sladkorne bolezni.
Kot znanstvena sodelavka je bila zaposlena na University Hospitals of Leicester
(2010-2013), kjer je izvedla številne pomembne raziskave o povečevanju tele-
sne dejavnosti in zmanjševanju sedentarnega vedenja pri osebah z visokim tve-
ganjem za sladkorno bolezen tipa 2. Leta 2013 je pričela poučevati na Centru za
raziskovanje sladkorne bolezni Univerze v Leicesterju kot predavateljica za po-
dročje telesne aktivnosti, sedentarnega vedenja in zdravja. Izredna profesori-
ca je postala leta 2016. Njeno raziskovalno delo se osredotoča na razumevanje
vloge telesne dejavnosti in sedentarnega načina obnašanja pri preprečevanju in
obvladovanju kroničnih bolezni, še posebej sladkorne bolezni tipa 2. Le-to vkl-
jučuje eksperimentalne in epidemiološke študije ter intervencijske študije ve-
denjskih sprememb, o čemer je objavila več kot 50 prispevkov. Trenutno ima
na razpolago 5 milijonov € raziskovalnih sredstev, prejetih s strani Nacionalne-
ga inštituta za zdravje, Evropske Komisije in Zdravstvenega Sveta.
strokovnega kolegija ter podpredsednica strokovnega sveta za medicino dela,
prometa in športa itd.
Metoda Dodič Fikfak has been the head of the University Medical Centre in Lju-
bljana OMTS Clinical Institute since 2000. After graduation and gaining a mas-
ter’s at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana she received her Ph.D. in work en-
vironment epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. She
led the Health Centre in Postojna and the Institute for Social Medicine in Lju-
bljana. She has more than 20 years of work experience in medicine, public
health, healthcare management and applied sciences. In 1999-2000 she led the
Phare project “Development of the Slovenian Occupational Safety and Health
Management System” and the project “Asbestos National Guidelines”. She is
involved in various national and European projects and research tasks. She
teaches Ergonomics at the UL Academy of Fine Arts and Design and Work En-
vironment Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition, she has over
60 other lectures annually. For more than 15 years she has been involved in ac-
tivities related to asbestos prohibition and raise of awareness about the dan-
gers of its use in Slovenia and abroad. She is the author of numerous studies
on the subject. On the basis of evidence gathered during the last years, she ad-
dresses how economic restructuring affects the human health. Under her lead-
ership, the Institute is intensively developing and expanding its functioning in-
to new areas of expertise. She has received several awards for her work: the
Harriet Hardy Award, she received an international prize from the USA Public
Health and Human Rights Association in 2006, while in Slovenia she received
the “Roža mogota” award. She is the chair of the humanitarian Association of
Patients Exposed to Asbestos Expert Council, member of numerous profes-
sional and peer groups, associations, committees, and Vice-president of the
COMTS Expert Council, etc.
harlotte Edwardson je na britanski univerzi Lounghborough diplomirala iz
športnih ved (2004), magistrirala (2005) in doktorirala (2010) pa iz telesne
aktivnosti in zdravja. Kot znanstvena sodelavka je bila v obdobju 2005-
2010 zaposlena na Institute of Youth Sport, Loughborough University, kjer
se je posvečala vrednotenju telesne aktivnosti in pobudam za zdravje mladih.
Strokovno delo je nadaljevala na področju preprečevanja sladkorne bolezni.
Kot znanstvena sodelavka je bila zaposlena na University Hospitals of Leicester
(2010-2013), kjer je izvedla številne pomembne raziskave o povečevanju tele-
sne dejavnosti in zmanjševanju sedentarnega vedenja pri osebah z visokim tve-
ganjem za sladkorno bolezen tipa 2. Leta 2013 je pričela poučevati na Centru za
raziskovanje sladkorne bolezni Univerze v Leicesterju kot predavateljica za po-
dročje telesne aktivnosti, sedentarnega vedenja in zdravja. Izredna profesori-
ca je postala leta 2016. Njeno raziskovalno delo se osredotoča na razumevanje
vloge telesne dejavnosti in sedentarnega načina obnašanja pri preprečevanju in
obvladovanju kroničnih bolezni, še posebej sladkorne bolezni tipa 2. Le-to vkl-
jučuje eksperimentalne in epidemiološke študije ter intervencijske študije ve-
denjskih sprememb, o čemer je objavila več kot 50 prispevkov. Trenutno ima
na razpolago 5 milijonov € raziskovalnih sredstev, prejetih s strani Nacionalne-
ga inštituta za zdravje, Evropske Komisije in Zdravstvenega Sveta.