Page 119 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 119
hor, year, country Aims Design Findings
The model describes cul-
To describe an emerging tural diversity, cultur-
model of culturally-con- Narrative article with al awareness, cultural
(Schim and Doorenbos, gruent care and dis- a description of a sensitivity, and cultur-
2010) cuss ways in which it can Three-dimensional al competence variables
United States of America guide intervention for Model of Cultural Con- for providers and several
nurses, and other health gruence central domains of cul-
care workers. tural similarity and dif-
ference at the client level.
In line with the inclusion criteria for this study, all papers examined ensuring equality through the acquisition of cultural competencies in nursing education: 117
one or more of the following: Evidence of Culture and Cultural Competen-
cies (Knowledge, Abilities, Sensitivity and Keenness to do it correctly; Becom-
ing aware and conscious), Evaluation of the transcultural nursing competen-
cy (Cultural awareness, Compassion, Cultural skills, Cultural competence
in practice), and teaching/learning strategies. A broad range of research ap-
proaches were used including: (i) quantitative: descriptive evaluation, pre-post
survey, longitudinal design, (ii) mixed methods, and (iii) narrative research de-
Regarding the aims of the research, the following teaching/learning strat-
egies used in selected literature are:
- Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor model for developing cultural com-
petence (PTT model): The model refers to the nurse’s student capac-
ity to provide effective health care that takes into consideration the
patient’s cultural beliefs, behaviours and needs in the nursing pro-
cess. The model includes four components of cultural competence:
1) cultural awareness, 2) cultural knowledge, 3) cultural sensitivi-
ty and 4) cultural practice. Further, the PTT model emphasized the
need for nurses to have both culture specific and culture-generic
competence (Kouta et al., 2016).
- The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare
services (Campinha-Bacote’s Model): Campinha-Bacote’s model,
the process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare ser-
vices, includes five constructs: cultural awareness, knowledge, skill,
encounters, and desire. Campinha-Bacote defined cultural aware-
ness as an intentional cognitive process in which providers appre-
ciate and gain sensitivity to the values, beliefs, and practices of di-
verse cultures; cultural knowledge as an educational foundation of
various world views which includes biocultural ecology and ethnic
pharmacology; cultural skill as the ability to collect cultural infor-
mation regarding health and performing a culturally specific phys-
ical assessment; cultural encounters as the way in which healthcare
providers directly engage in cross-cultural encounters; and finally,
cultural desire as the motivation to want to engage in the process of
cultural competence (Bauer and Bai, 2015).
The model describes cul-
To describe an emerging tural diversity, cultur-
model of culturally-con- Narrative article with al awareness, cultural
(Schim and Doorenbos, gruent care and dis- a description of a sensitivity, and cultur-
2010) cuss ways in which it can Three-dimensional al competence variables
United States of America guide intervention for Model of Cultural Con- for providers and several
nurses, and other health gruence central domains of cul-
care workers. tural similarity and dif-
ference at the client level.
In line with the inclusion criteria for this study, all papers examined ensuring equality through the acquisition of cultural competencies in nursing education: 117
one or more of the following: Evidence of Culture and Cultural Competen-
cies (Knowledge, Abilities, Sensitivity and Keenness to do it correctly; Becom-
ing aware and conscious), Evaluation of the transcultural nursing competen-
cy (Cultural awareness, Compassion, Cultural skills, Cultural competence
in practice), and teaching/learning strategies. A broad range of research ap-
proaches were used including: (i) quantitative: descriptive evaluation, pre-post
survey, longitudinal design, (ii) mixed methods, and (iii) narrative research de-
Regarding the aims of the research, the following teaching/learning strat-
egies used in selected literature are:
- Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor model for developing cultural com-
petence (PTT model): The model refers to the nurse’s student capac-
ity to provide effective health care that takes into consideration the
patient’s cultural beliefs, behaviours and needs in the nursing pro-
cess. The model includes four components of cultural competence:
1) cultural awareness, 2) cultural knowledge, 3) cultural sensitivi-
ty and 4) cultural practice. Further, the PTT model emphasized the
need for nurses to have both culture specific and culture-generic
competence (Kouta et al., 2016).
- The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare
services (Campinha-Bacote’s Model): Campinha-Bacote’s model,
the process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare ser-
vices, includes five constructs: cultural awareness, knowledge, skill,
encounters, and desire. Campinha-Bacote defined cultural aware-
ness as an intentional cognitive process in which providers appre-
ciate and gain sensitivity to the values, beliefs, and practices of di-
verse cultures; cultural knowledge as an educational foundation of
various world views which includes biocultural ecology and ethnic
pharmacology; cultural skill as the ability to collect cultural infor-
mation regarding health and performing a culturally specific phys-
ical assessment; cultural encounters as the way in which healthcare
providers directly engage in cross-cultural encounters; and finally,
cultural desire as the motivation to want to engage in the process of
cultural competence (Bauer and Bai, 2015).