Page 120 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 120
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 118 - The theory of care diversity and universality (Leininger’s Sunrise
Model): The sunrise model, which depicts the theory of cultur-
al care diversity and universality, illustrates the concepts, showing
culturally congruent care, cultural care maintenance, nursing ac-
tions, folk systems, professional healthcare systems, clients, holistic
well-being, and numerous cultural factors are all interconnected.
In short, nurses who value and practice culturally congruent care
can effect positive healthcare changes for clients of various cultures
(Lenny and Peng, 2014).

- 3-dimensional puzzle model of culturally congruent care: The mod-
el is currently described as a 3-dimensional model in which cultur-
ally congruent care is the result of nurses and clients working to-
gether with cultural respect and humility. This current 3-D model
includes two levels: a provider level in which the cultural competen-
cies a provider must have to participate in culturally congruent care
continue to be represented by the puzzle model developed in 2004,
and a client level. The provider level of the puzzle has 4 components:
(i) cultural diversity, (ii) cultural awareness, (iii) cultural sensitivity,
and (iv) cultural competence behaviours. This level of the model has
been more fully articulated elsewhere and has been used as the ba-
sis for a Cultural Competence Assessment tool for use with diverse
healthcare providers and professional students (Schim and Dooren-
bos, 2010).

The studies included in this review focused on teaching/learning strategies
regarding cross-cultural care and the acquisition of cultural competencies
among nursing students as well as on the outcomes of improvement of stu-
dents’ knowledge of transcultural nursing. After intervention 25 % of commu-
nity nurses who participated in the workshop improved their cultural compe-
tence level based on the Culturally Competent Tool of the PTT Model (Kouta
et al., 2016). While the study did not use qualitative data as a measure of effec-
tiveness, such data, especially regarding nurses’ evaluation of the program and
the course work, can further enhance and improve a program and should be
considered (Kouta et al., 2016). Students in the next study (Bauer and Bai, 2015)
significantly improved (p < 0.001) each aspect of the cultural competency mod-
el after completion of the course. The total competence score improved from
‘culturally aware’ (score of 68.7 at pre-) to ‘culturally competent’ (score of 78.7
at post-) (The total scale ranges from 25 to 100. A score of 25 to 50 indicates cul-
tural incompetence, a score of 51 to 74 reflects cultural awareness, and a score of
75 to 90 specifies cultural competence, and a score of 91 to 100 designates cul-
tural proficiency). The findings of this study indicated that learning modules
focusing on experiential learning activities and designed to address constructs
of the Campinha-Bacote Model can help develop levels of cultural competence
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