Page 152 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 152
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 150 especially those who are preparing for future positions in the medical profes-
sion (Kaewanuchit et al., 2015).In 1984 in the journal Nursing Mirror, Hingly
wrote the following: “Nursing is by its very nature, a profession that is expe-
riencing high levels of stress. Nurses are faced with suffering, pain and death;
nursing interventions are not appreciative and spirited. Many are, by normal
standards, unpleasant, others are degrading and some are scary” (Hingly, 1984,
pp.19–22). Some researchers have questioned whether the cited sources of stress
in the scientific literature, similar or the same for all nurses employed in hospi-
tals or depend on the type of department. One of the areas of nursing that par-
ticularly attract attention of scholars are departments of emergency medicine
and intensive care units, departments of surgery and oncology ward. There is
agreement that the experience of stress caused by work diminishes the qual-
ity of nursing work (reducing the job satisfaction increased psychiatric mor-
bidity and may contribute to the occurrence of some forms of physical diseas-
es, particularly cardiovascular diseases and musculoskeletal system). Because
of the importance and sensitivity of the work performed by nurses, interest in
researching the quality of life and psychosocial aspects of their working en-
vironment emerged. Although quality of life and job satisfaction are differ-
ent constructs, data from the literature show that they are mutually connected
and that there are factors that affect both constructs (Stacciarini and Troccoli,
2004). The aim of the research was to determine the influence of stress factors
on the quality of life between patients in the surgical and internal department.

The study was designed as a cross-sectional study with 150 respondents and
was conducted University Hospital Foca surgical and internist wards, in the
period from February 2016 to June 2016. Criteria for inclusion in the study
were: respondents who work at least one year and are directly involved in the
care and treatment of patients. Criteria for exclusion from the study were: re-
spondents who work less than one year, patients who are not involved in the
care and treatment of patients and subjects who did not respond to five or more
questions or have circled the same answers to all the questions. The survey
used sociodemographic questionnaire, a questionnaire to assess the health sta-
tus (Short Form-36 Health Survey SF-36) (Ware, 1993) and the scale of stress in
the workplace of hospital health workers ie. modified questionnaire based on
the basis of a standardized questionnaire OSQ (Lindblom, 2006).The modifica-
tion was made by selecting only a part of the question from the questionnaire,
which was supplemented with specific issues related to the health profession.
Respondents were offered 37 related to work stressors related to work organi-
zation, shift work, career advancement, education, professional requirements,
interpersonal communication, communication of healthcare workers with pa-
tients, and fear of dangers (Lindblom, 2006).Statistical analysis was performed
using SPSS ver. 24.0. The statistical test used was -squared test. As the level of
statistical significance of differences, taken a common value of p <0.05. For dis-
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