Page 155 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 155
the workplace showed poorer physical and mental component of quality of work related stressors and quality of life of nurses 153
life According to our research, the level of stress among nurses is very high
(60%). The difference was also observed in the view that financial constraints
are one of the main stressors. Quality of life is obviously the first psycholog-
ical category, which does not arise automatically from satisfying certain ba-
sic needs, but from the whole psychological structure of the individual inter-
acting with the physical and social environment in which he lives. The results
of our research have shown that nurses rated their physical health as excellent,
while mental health was rated as good. Compared to similar studies, the results
of our research were significantly better than the results of the study conduct-
ed in Chile (Andrades Barrientos and Valenzuela Suazo, 2007), and lower than
the results of the study carried out in Turkey (Cimete, 2003). By analyzing the
quality of life domains, it has been found that nurses have shown the best qual-
ity of health in physical functioning, absence of physical pain, limitations due
to problems in physical health, limitations due to emotional problems, social
functioning and general health. Positive emotions at work are associated with
better health, a higher degree of job satisfaction, responsible behavior at work,
higher work performance and quality of work, greater resistance to stress and
burnout, less likely to change jobs, better relations with other people (Haba-
zin, 2013).

The workplace significantly influences the emergence of stress. Respondents
working at the surgical department have a higher level of stress compared to
respondents working at the internal department, and there is a significant cor-
relation between professional stress and quality of life. Respondents who are
more exposed to professional stress show a lower level of physical and mental
components of life quality. The most frequent professional stress factors in the
respondents are work overload, financial constraints, 24 hours of responsibili-
ty, on-call duty, unpredictable situations, incurable patients, a small number of
health workers and public criticism.


ity of life associated factors in Chileans hospitals nurses. Revista Lati-
no-Americana de Enfermagem, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 480−486.
CIMETE, G., GENCALP, N.S. and KESKIN, G., 2003. Quality of life and
job satisfaction of nurses. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, vol. 18, no.
HABAZIN, I., 2013. The association with emotional behavioral and physiolog-
ical response to the work of nurses and technicians in hospitals. Croatian
Review of Rehabilitation Research, vol. 49, no.1, pp. 37−48.
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