Page 226 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 226
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 224 it can cause fatigue, which can lead to general dissatisfaction. Another stress
factors specific for train drivers are accidents with road or railway vehicles and
run overs, which often have fatal consequences. Following accidents posttrau-
matic stress disorder is often seen in train drivers (Doroga & Baban, 2013; Jeon
et al., 2013), therefore we have consultants for the first psycho-social aid in the
Slovenian Railway Group. It should be noted that physically active employees
and those with healthy (settled) lifestyle are more successful in coping stress,
PTSD and other risk factors.

The highest percent of absenteeism was found in railway infrastructure
maintenance workers. We assume that the most probable cause for the absen-
teeism in this group were musculoskeletal diseases and work-related injuries.
Furthermore, lower education and lower financial income are known to be re-
lated with unhealthy habits. In comparison, the office workers have higher in-
comes and also it is required at middle school education or higher for office po-
sition. The risk factors in office workers are prolonged sitting in forced position
and stress thus we assume that causes for the absenteeism are musculoskeletal
diseases due to static postures followed by mental and behavioral disorder due
to work related stress. In support to this assumption is the fact that office work-
ers are predominantly women and reports show that women are more often ab-
sent due to mental and behavioral disorders compared with male colleagues.

The second highest percent of absenteeism was found in train drivers.
Train drivers work in shift-work schedule which has been shown to be a risk
factor for sleep disorders, metabolic syndrome and heart diseases (Costa, 2010).
Other important risk factors are prolonged sitting in restricted position, expo-
sure to whole body vibrations, electromagnetic field and noise. Prolonged sit-
ting and exposure to whole body vibrations can cause changes in neuromus-
cular functions of the trunk and increase the risk of low back pain (Vrašec,
2015). However, based on results of previous survey, the train drivers are famil-
iar with guidelines for preventive action at work and in a leisure time (Vrašec,
2015). Furthermore prolonged exposure to noise can cause hear loss therefore
train drivers are equipped with active silencers. Exposure to electromagnet-
ic fields and engine exhaust were recognized as risk factor for cancer develop-
ment. According to aforementioned risk factors and consequences, we assume
that train drivers are mostly at risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders
and metabolism related problems.

The lowest percent of absenteeism was found in wagon inspectors, who al-
so work in shifts. Wagon inspectors are working outside, exposed to all weather
conditions. During 12-hour shift they are mostly walking due to technical ex-
amination of the train, testing the break system of the train and other. The path
by the track, where wagon inspector walk during work, must be well hardened
and well-lighted in all weather conditions. Due to maintenance work or some
other unpredictable factor there is a possibility of unpredicted obstacles on the
path. During his work the wagon inspector does not watch the path but most-
ly the train and consequently it can cause slips or falls. Despite mentioned fac-
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