Page 227 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 227
s we found lowest percent of absenteeism in this group therefore we can as- absenteeism in slovenian railways – comparison between different work groups 225
sume that regular and moderate physical activity, even at work, can have an
important role in health care. Unfortunately, the data on the causes of absen-
teeism were not available by separate groups, therefore we can only speculate
on the predominant causes based on the knowledge of the working environ-
ment. However, more objective validation is necessary therefore we will per-
form additional surveys.

In order to assure better overview on causalities for absenteeism, the renewal
of the human resources office information system will be suggested. Renewed
system should enable evidence on absenteeism not only by duration but also by
causes separately by different occupations. Based on these data we could pre-
pare guidelines and recommendations for safer work and for the preventive ac-
tion at work and leisure time. All employees, especially executive railway work-
ers, are well informed about safety at work already before starting the career.
Despite this their compliance with recommendations is questionable. In ad-
dition to renewal of the human recourses office information system a survey
should be performed, in which employees could write their most often diseases
or disorders. Based on the results of the survey recommendations and guide-
lines for the preventive action at work and in a leisure time could be suggested
immediately. Based on the results of this study, we believe that railway infra-
structure maintenance workers should be the first to be informed with guide-
lines for the preventive action. This will be implemented as a part of an occu-
pational health promotion which is not just a legal obligation but provides long
term benefit for the company and personnel. As Podjed,( 2014) has been shown,
we can expect a return of 2,4-4,8 euros for every 1 euro invested in health pro-
motion and that absenteeism decreases 35 % in employees who visit occupa-
tional health promotion programs.

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