Page 138 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 138
Tatjana Koropec

In our article, we discuss what n l p has to offer to language teachers.
I have been teaching English to students of Business and Economics
for quite some years and their level of the language in different groups
varies from b 1 to c 2 referring to the Common European Language
Framework. According to both theory and practice, the most important
goal for them is to become fluent, efficient and confident speakers of the
English language.

n lp is one of those feeder fields from which one can get enormous
inspiration and numerous ideas for the tasks implemented in the class
work in order to create an appropriate environment and conditions for
students to accomplish their language learning goals.

Pedagogical Implications
We firmly believe that n l p can help language teachers in their efforts
to develop action plans aimed at creating an atmosphere of interest, im-
proved learning motivation and, last but not least, improved learning
effectiveness. In addition, by implementing the n l p techniques, stu-
dents are likely to improve their creative thinking, collaboration skills,
rapport and communication skills. The practical examples of activities
described below will clarify how the effectiveness of educational pro-
cesses can be achieved through neuro-linguistic programming.

Sample Activity: Knowing Where You Are Going
• Aim: setting well-formed goals about students’ foreign language
future performance.
• Skills: speaking, writing.
• Time: 60 minutes.

The idea for this task comes from the book In Your Hands written by
Jane Revell and Susan Norman (1997, 57).

A very good way to start thinking about well-formed outcomes is to
think in terms of the present state, the desired state and actions to link
the two. Our present state is where we are now and our desired state is
where we want to be. Usually the two states are different and we want
to take action to change our present state into our desired state.

1. I ask students to take a piece of paper, divide it into three sections
and write the titles in table 8.1.
It is possible to choose any topic and work on it by going through
these three sections. In the class, one can ask students to iden-

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