Page 64 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 64
Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

to the e u’s economy in terms of its exports – shipping carries 90 of
the eu’s foreign trade.

In the eu, 45.3 of goods are transported by road, 36.8 by maritime
transport, 11 by rail, 0.1 by aviation transport and 3.1 by pipelines,
based on tonne-kilometres. In the case of passenger transport the dif-
ference is even greater, since road transport with a high proportion
of cars represents approximately 83 of traffic, railway 7 and air 8,
based on passenger-kilometres.

Economically, road is the main form of transport for freight, where
it accounts for the bulk of inland transport in the European Union and
has been growing steadily in recent decades, with almost 75 of inland
freight being transported by road between Member States (ms). Freight
transport alone is expected to grow by 80 by 2050 (European Union

As Member State (ms) societies become ever more mobile, eu policy
seeks to support transport systems in meeting the major challenges fac-
ing them: Congestion affects both road and air traffic. It costs Europe
around 1 of the annual g dp – and freight and passenger transport
alike are set to grow.

Oil dependency – despite improvements in energy efficiency, trans-
port still depends on oil for 96 of its energy needs. Oil will become
scarcer in the future and increasingly resourced from unstable parts of
the world. By 2050, the price is projected to more than double compared
to 2005; Greenhouse gas emissions – by 2050, the e u must cut trans-
port emissions by 60 compared with 1990 levels, in order to limit
global warming – a temperature increase of just 2°C; Infrastructure
quality is uneven across the eu; Competition – the eu’s transport sec-
tor faces growing competition from fast-developing transport markets
in other regions (European Union 2017).

In 2010 the research project Know Us started within the e u’s Italy-
Slovenia cross-border programme with one of the aims being to de-
velop and test methodologies and instruments for creating strategic-
cognitive maps of small and medium-sized enterprises (s m e s). The
strategic project ‘Co-Creation of Competitive Knowledge between Uni-
versities and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (s m e) – Know Us’
was designed to promote business innovation in the light of sustainable
development and to support the competitiveness of sme s in the bor-
der area between Slovenia and Italy. The main objective of the project
was to increase the effectiveness of the knowledge management system

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