Page 63 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 63
4 Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally
with Simplified Logistics

Aleksander Janeš
University of Primorska, Slovenia

Roberto Biloslavo
University of Primorska, Slovenia

Armand Faganel
University of Primorska, Slovenia

In 2010 the research project Know Us started within the e u’s
Italy-Slovenia cross-border programme with one of the aims be-
ing to develop and test methodologies and instruments for cre-
ating strategic-cognitive maps of small and medium-sized enter-
prises (s m e s). The strategic project ‘Co-creation of competitive
knowledge between universities and small and medium-sized en-
terprises (sme) – Know Us’ was designed to promote business in-
novation in the light of sustainable development and to support
the competitiveness of s m e s in the border area between Slove-
nia and Italy. The EuroPacific l l Company (EuroPacific) is head-
quartered in Koper, Slovenia where the company started its busi-
ness activities in logistics in 2003. The long-term development of
the company is based on the business vision: ‘To become a key
logistics provider for goods from the Far East destined for the
European market.’
Ključne besede: Slovenia, domestic logistics operator, business
model, canvas, competence centre, e u, sustainable innovation

Transport is a cornerstone of the European integration process and is
firmly linked to the creation and completion of the internal market,
which promotes jobs and economic growth and the enables the free
movement of individuals, services and goods. The industry employs
around 11.1 million people, accounting for 4.5 of the total employment
in the eu and creating about 4.8 – €548bn – in gross value added over-
all for the 28 eu countries. Smooth transport connections are also vital

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