Page 65 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 65
Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally with Simplified Logistics

and the strategic innovation of s m e s through the cross-border par-
ticipation of sme s, universities, innovation centres and enterprise as-
sociations. The Slovenian project partners designed strategic-cognitive
maps for 30 Slovenian smes from the sectors of logistics, tourism, con-
struction, food and agriculture, and the wood industry. The strategic-
cognitive maps were based on the business model canvas developed
during the project. This paper presents a case study of the third-party lo-
gistic provider (3pl) the EuroPacific Company (Janeš et al. 2014; Stake

In 2009 and 2010, it turned out that, although a breaker of the crisis,
EuroPacific is not immune to market changes and nor is it immune to
the economic downturn effects. During this period, the company lost a
strategic client on which the majority of its revenue relied. The company
was forced to drastically reduce the cost, disinvest part of its assets and
even dismissed some employees.

In 2010, EuroPacific was funded by family capital, business processes
have been optimised and costs minimised to the lowest bearable limits
of sustainability. The company become even more focused on its core
business and on a number of important customers from Korea, Israel
and the United States of America.

EuroPacific’s operation is focused on customers and partners, who
are offered comprehensive logistics solutions for their business. The
client-based strategy has enabled internal reorganisation and diversifi-
cation in areas that are in the company’s best interest in the long-term
and will form the basis of current and future business growth. Such a
path has required large financial investments and additional risk man-
agement. EuroPacific’s operations take into account the significant cul-
tural differences between the company and its global business partners.
One of the important advantages that is being offered to the partners
from Asia is 24/7 accessibility and responsiveness. The company’s busi-
ness model is being continuously improved, in order to maintain the
position of an important business partner to significantly larger cus-
tomers e.g. Samsung, Hyundai, Nokia, l g, Philips, Sony, Tesco, c m a
cg m, Posco, ki a and Foxconn (see

The paper is organised as follows. The second section presents the
third-party logistics provider’s strategy and practice. The third section
describes the chosen methodology of the multiple case studies and
specifically the case study of the EuroPacific Company. The fourth sec-
tion presents and discusses the ‘logistics simplified’ innovation activity

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