Page 72 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 72
Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel

and find solutions for their customers, who are looking for faster and
cheaper transport routes for their goods. So they have developed their
own possibilities of organising the maritime, land and air transport of
goods. They are distinguished by the developed competencies, which
significantly differ from the competitors.

Logistics Simplified Innovation Activity of the Enterprise
A good example of the innovative approach of the company is the set-
ting of its own information system (is), which is linked to the is of the
Port of Koper, Ltd (Port of Koper) and allows the monitoring of con-
tainer throughput in real time. This means that is informs the perform-
ers in the transition process on the status and location of the contain-
ers. The most important customers are able to use that particular com-
puter application in order to have control over the transportation of
containers (Ellram and Cooper 2014; Prajogo and Olhager 2012). The is
ensures the continuous traceability of cargo and faster shipment in road
transport, because it significantly shortens the waiting time of truck
drivers and optimises operating costs. Interest has already been shown
in the purchase of this particular computer application, but because
the software represents a competitive advantage of the company it had
been decided that the application will not be for sale. In any case, the
application is subject to certain conditions under which it can be trans-
ferable to other ports for it support in the throughput of goods (Kobal,
Dežjot, and Ventin 2013a; 2013b; Kim, Hoon Yang, and Kim 2008).

Another interesting acquirement is a transit guarantee in the amount
of 33.33 million € with a purchased stake in the company of the German

EuroPacific’s operations are linked to the only Slovenian through-
put port – the Port of Koper. The former’s enterprising employees have
found a necessary transition guarantee (i.e. transport insurance for all
risks) to secure throughput increase. Mr. Rok Kobal states: ‘We were
looking for an insurance instrument. In December 2012, a subsidiary of
the a s co Company from Austria opened in Slovenia. Thus, we found
the solution to a given transit guarantee challenge – a transit guaran-
tee in the amount of 33.33 million euros! And we are agents of the Ger-
mans! We are working to find the solution!’ This acquisition will support
the increase of revenue and also facilitate the growth of cargo transit
through the Port of Koper. This last will assure customers that the di-
rection of cargo through the Port of Koper is the right decision.

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