Page 75 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 75
Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally with Simplified Logistics

tech goods, there are potential new customers from fast-growing mar-
kets in India, Turkey and South-East Africa.

Obtaining the status of a domestic logistic operator represents a
great responsibility, because it is associated with consulting on the op-
timal implementation of key customer’s logistics processes. Consulting
services for key customers is EuroPacific’s strategic direction, which
the company will intensively develop and spread. The company takes
advantage of the transport sector, which is reflected in the favourable
geographic position of the Slovenian coast and hinterland, transport
route profitability, knowledge and skills in the logistics branch and the
company’s global business integration.

EuroPacific’s involvement in the regional business environment is
being further developed in cooperation with Intereuropa, Ltd. (Intereu-
ropa), with which a competence centre has been set up for training em-
ployees in the field of logistics and transport. For this purpose, funding
was gained from the European Regional Development Fund.

Sustainability Assessment of the Business Model
EuroPacific is a modern international logistics company with a tradi-
tion of organising land, sea and air transports that arises from the fam-
ily tradition. Operations are supported by highly qualified employees,
well-developed is with clear guidelines in all possible situations in order
to master the complete logistic solution from shipper to consignee. The
company’s competitive advantages lie in well-established co-operations
with the Port of Koper, several Slovenian railroad operators, Intereu-
ropa and reputable shipping agencies in the region (Govindan et al.
2012; Gligor and Holcomb 2012).

Furthermore, the focus on organic growth by EuroPacific has encour-
aged the owner and director to acquire a strategic partner. Setting up
subsidiaries represents the diffusion and further development of inte-
grated solutions for customers with a growing demand for consulting
and enforcing the realisation of Key Account Managers (Ahn, Ishii, and
Ahn 2013; Anderson et al. 2011; Kobal, Dežjot, and Ventin 2013a; 2013b).

Moreover, it is essential that the responsibilities of the owner and di-
rector Mr. Rok Kobal will be delegated to reliable, loyal and professional
employees. The growth of business volume will certainly lead to the de-
velopment of the organisational structure in form of departments and
services that will supply different markets, customers and the continu-
ous development of services. Therefore, it is reasonable to establish the

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