Page 77 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 77
Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally with Simplified Logistics

EuroPacific’s logistic activities are being developed in direction of
strengthening the market position, which are: a significant provider of
logistics solutions for goods on the transport route from Asia to the
eu markets through the northern Adriatic ports, by expanding interna-
tional network and strengthening presence on the markets of the Cen-
tral and Eastern e u, by strengthening the partnership with the Asian
market with a flexible approach based on the needs of customers and to
allow simplified logistics. Although EuroPacific’s strategy and practice
is an excellent example in the field of logistics, the findings cannot be
generalised to the entire logistics industry.

A major challenge for 3 p l service tenderers has been in determin-
ing the value that customers place on their comprehensive solutions,
so they can then focus on delivering the right service to the right cus-
tomer segment. One implication is that 3 p l managers and especially
Key Account Managers should monitor the segment profiles of their
customers to avoid misalignment between these segments and their
service proposals. The logic of segmentation suggests management
strategies that definitely involve a 3 p l, or a team within a 3 p l, fo-
cusing on a particular customer segment (Anderson et al. 2011; Kobal,
Dežjot, and Ventin 2013b).

Many reliable management research projects have come to the broad
consensus that some significant development trends in supply chain
management that are worth of further in-depth researching are: sup-
ply chain volatility, dependence on global customers and supplier net-
works, cost optimisation, end-to-end supply chain management inte-
gration and empowerment (Lu 2011).

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initions for Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management.’
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Ahn, W., S. Ishii, and S. Ahn. 2013. ‘A Comparative Study of Korean
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on Subsidiary and Third-Party Logistics Companies.’ The Asian
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