Page 82 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 82
Igor Grofelnik and Tanja Grofelnik


Nowadays, plenty of organisations acknowledge project management
as the main support for the implementation of the company strategy.
Using project management is the key to the successful business opera-
tions of an organisation. Kerzner (2006) claims that from the beginning
of 21st century, the perception of project management has changed.
Moreover, due to rapid changes in the global market, project manage-
ment has become a constant practice in organisations. Therefore, or-
ganisations cannot allow mistakes. Because of that, the smart usage
of time and the quality management of funds is more than necessary
for the existence of organisations. Čuček (2008) discusses the project
approach, which has started to develop due to the need for the higher
responsivity of organisations to changes in the environment. Thus, ex-
posure to the pressure of the globalised environment has helped in the
rapid increase in the usage of the project approach for implementing
business activities. The practical experiences of the organisation have
shown that for the successful development of project management cul-
ture, more factors are needed. Additionally, key factors include training
project managers, to use advanced tools as well as rules and standards,
which has to be coordinated according to the strategic goals. In addi-
tion to that, factors have to be developed in coordination with other
management systems in the organisation. Equally important is an or-
ganisation’s awareness that project management culture cannot be im-
plemented overnight. For this reason, time is needed for the implemen-
tation of a program for improvements, whose main goal is the gradual
institutionalisation of good practices.

Heerkens (2002) claims, that the maturity of an organisation in the
field of project management defines the adequate regulations of the or-
ganisation. It is necessary to consider the compliance with conditions,
which employees in the organisation follow and have deep knowledge
of. It is also necessary from the beginning of a project, to take into ac-
count the ability of teams and their capability of a realistic assessment
of project implementation. The assessment of realistic conditions and
efficient execution are key factors for good project implementation. At
the same time, the company has to be able to learn from its practical
experiences and constantly improve its own project approach. Further-
more, the systematic allocation of experiences and the advancement of
methodology and regulations are very significant for an organisation.

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