Page 81 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 81
he Maturity of Project Management
in Slovenian Companies

Igor Grofelnik
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Tanja Grofelnik
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Project work can bring many advantages to companies. With
project work operations in companies, they can indeed adapt
more quickly and easily to customers’ needs and desires. Con-
sequently, they improve their market position. Therefore, the
main goal of the study was to research the maturity of project
management in Slovenian companies. In the following article,
we present two methods of maturity of project management,
namely the ‘Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Ma-
turity Model (p 3 m 3)’ and the ‘Project Management Maturity
Model (Pro m m m).’ Moreover, by using a questionnaire, we ob-
tained information on six Slovenian companies. The question-
naire was composed of questions related to basic information
about the company and questions related to the above-mentioned
models. We have analysed the obtained information and graph-
ically presented the results. Furthermore, the analysed results
showed us that on average, Slovenian companies are mature
from the project management point of view. According to the
evaluation of the p 3 m 3 questionnaire, the companies were clas-
sified between the 3rd and 4th levels. In other words, the com-
panies on average have evaluated their companies and endorsed
as well, to be the one where the power of knowing is defined
process by project management. The following process within
the organisation has the role of a standardised business pro-
cess. Partly, companies have evaluated the organisation as an
organisation in which they have established their mastered pro-
cess of project management. We have also arrived at similar re-
sults by using the questionnaire Pro mmm, which showed us that
Slovenian companies are classified in the 3rd level of maturity. In
this case, we are talking about the organisation category named

Ključne besede: project management, maturity, p 3 m 3, Pro m m m

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