Page 86 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 86
r Grofelnik and Tanja Grofelnik

Project Programme Portfolio
Management Management Management

Level 5: Optimised Process Management Control
Level 4: Managed Process Benefits Management
Level 3: Defined Process Financial Management
Level 2: Repeatable Process Stakeholder Management
Level 1: Awareness of Process
Risk Management
Organisational Governance

Resource Management

Figure 5.1 Model p3 m3 (adapted from the Office of Government Commerce 2008)

• by customers who wants to evaluate the risks obtained from ques-
tions about processes and capacities associated with a specific ser-
vice provider, as well as managing their programs and projects;

• by user groups, advisory and accredited training organisations that
use it as a basis for the development and creation of evaluative
questionnaires about maturity;

• by accredited service providers that use it for the preparation of
teams for evaluating the processes of managing programs and
projects or capabilities.

As we have already mentioned several times, the p 3 m 3 model in-
cludes five levels or stages of maturity. Viewed from the process per-
spective, Krajnik (2008, 32) states the main emphases thorough ques-
tions of the individual levels that we set them when judging the matu-
rity of project management in an organisation:

• Level 1 – Awareness of the process: This represents the ability in
an organisation to detect the germ or initial phase of forming a
process of project management. This process is often chaotic and
formed only for a specific purpose (ad hoc). In an organisation,
projects are mostly not managed formally and a standardised pro-
cess does not exist. Also, there is no business system for monitor-
ing progress.

• Level 2 – Repeatable process: This represents the ability in an
organisation to detect already implemented procedural arrange-
ments. It means that the process of project management is re-
peated many times. Here we find the first signs of coordination
between specific projects.

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