Page 92 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 92
Igor Grofelnik and Tanja Grofelnik

the awareness of the organisation related to risk management pol-
icy is significant. The average assessment of risk management is
3.33 points.

• Companies evaluate their organisation in terms of stakeholder’s
management, in which the management and communication with
stakeholders of the project are consistent and centrally managed
approaches. The average assessment of stakeholder management
is 3.33 points.

• Companies evaluate their organisation in terms of organisational
management in relation to project management, where decision
processes that are related to project implementation are adapted
and integrated in the wider environment of the management of
organisational excellence, reporting and general management. The
average assessment of organisational governance is 3.83 points.

• Companies evaluate their organisation in terms of resource man-
agement, in which managing project resources is treated on a
strategic level. There exists evidence of resource capacity manage-
ment and capacity planning. In this way, the organisation can sat-
isfy its needs for project implementation. The average assessment
of resource management is 4.17 points.

• Companies acknowledge their organisation to be one that can ac-
quire and retain specific measurements about its project manage-
ment performance and resulting quality management, the main
purpose of which is improved predictability and monitoring of the
future per success/performance of project management. The aver-
age assessment is 4.00 points.

Based on the acquired information from the calculation of the aver-
age mark, we found out that the average mark of the seven core pro-
cesses or questions is 3.64 points. This means that the respondents can
be classified in the 3rd level of maturity and also partially in 4th level
of maturity of project management. On average, companies have eval-
uated their company as one where the power of knowing is a clearly de-
fined process of project management. This process in an organisation
has the role of a standardised business process (Level 3). Partly, com-
panies have evaluated their organisation in which they have already es-
tablished and managed a project management process (Level 4). In an
organisation, there is a strong desire to learn about the implementation
of project management and process measurement.

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97