Page 93 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 93
Maturity of Project Management in Slovenian Companies

Effective project management 3.83
Organisation commitment 3.17
Stability and maturity 3.67
Understanding the principles 2.50
Level of familiarity and expertise 2.33
Project management processes

Figure 5.3 Pro mmm Questionnaire Results

Figure 5.3 shows the Prommm questionnaire results. From the graph,
it can clearly be seen that companies on average (Hillson 2001):

• Claim that project management is welcomed and significantly con-
tributes to the business success of an organisation. The average as-
sessment is 3.83 points.

• Claim that the organisation has a consistent management policy
in relation to the commitment to proactive and systematic project
management. The average assessment is 3.17 points.

• Claim that the formal processes of project management in an or-
ganisation are adaptable to the business requirements. The average
assessment is 3.67 points.

• Claim that the processes of project management in an organisa-
tion are stable and mature. The average assessment is 3.17 points.

• Claim that employees have a basic understanding of the core prin-
ciples of project management. Partly, there are signs of a funda-
mental understanding. The average assessment is 2.50 points.

• Claim that employees have a basic knowledge of the standardised
techniques from the practical perspective of using techniques of
project management. The average assessment is 2.33 points.

• They routinely use processes of project management in all projects.
The average assessment is 3.00 points.

Based on the previously presented information from the Prom m m
questionnaire, we have obtained the results shown in the Prom m m
level graph (figure 5.4). We have thematically grouped the questions (7)
into four groups: culture, processes, experiences and application. From
figure 5.4, it can clearly be seen that (Hillson 2001):

• The average assessment of the culture is 3.50 points. This means
that the organisation has an approved system of project manage-
ment, recognises and expects benefits from it and is ready to in-

   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98