Page 90 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 90
Igor Grofelnik and Tanja Grofelnik

Furthermore, we analysed the acquired data in a systematic way us-
ing the software tool Excel (Microsoft Office). We prepared graphs that
were numerically evaluated and based on the results. The latter were
later the basis for interpreting the results and arriving at the conclu-
sions of the research.

Analysis and Interpretation of the Results

Between the six surveys that were completely answered, four (4) com-
panies were medium sized. This means that according to the Companies
Act (‘Zakon o gospodarskih družbah’ 2009), the average number of em-
ployees in one business year did not exceed 250 employees. The other
two (2) companies were categorised among the large companies, where
according to the Companies Act, they have more than 250 employees in
one business year.

The analysed companies were established between 1950 and 1991,
which means that young companies were not included in the research.
The companies gave an assessment of the number of projects during a
year. These numbers fluctuated between 30 and 3000 projects annually.

Two (2) companies were from the professional branch, scientific and
technical activities, while the other companies were from branches such
as transport and warehousing, information and communication ac-
tivities, manufacturing and other business activities (according to the
Standardised Classification of Activities).

Figure 5.2 shows the p3m3 questionnaire results. From the graph, it
is clear that on average (Office of Government Commerce 2008):

• Companies define their organisation as demonstrators of mature
handling with specific procedures that managed quantitatively. In
an organisation, there are also monitoring metrics, as well as quan-
titative evidence of the objectives of quality and process efficiency.
The measured information influences the success of an organisa-
tion and enables analysis of the portfolio. Helps in determining
the current capacities and detection of restrictions. The top man-
agement level actively seeks innovative approaches for achieving
the objectives. Using metrics in an organisation offers leadership
efficient monitoring and determining processes. The average as-
sessment in defining an organisation is 4.17 points.

• Companies evaluate their organisation in terms of monitoring the
management in conjunction with project management in which a

   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95