Page 109 - Faganel, Armand, in Vera Fois. 2018. Dizajnerska kultura in nagrada za oblikovalske dosežke. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 109
Summary 109

duction process that is needed to increase the attractiveness of the prod-
uct and the cultural aspects of design as the unique system of competen-
cies, knowledge and skills that (including subjects, practices, values ​a​ nd
beliefs that belong to the designer culture) can identify innovative solu-
tions that meet explicit or latent needs while integrating different con-
straints. Chatman and Eunyoung Cha (2003) state that culture is a sys-
tem of common values (​​defining what is important) and norms (defining
an appropriate approach and behavior). Whena talking about organiza-
tional culture as an important factor in design thinking it should be not-
ed that in the design literature we see the term corporate culture, and in
management literature there are many records of organizational culture
and its various typologies. Organizational culture can therefore be un-
derstood as synonymous with corporate culture, or corporate culture is
a kind of organizational culture, which we desribed in more detail in the
chapter on culture. Here we use the terms as synonyms.

Rosenberg, Chauvet and Kleinman (2015) note that the influence of
organizational culture on design thinking is critical. Kotter and Heskett
(1992) state that the most appropriate is the organizational culture that
contains values ​a​ nd norms that support innovation and change. Donk-
er, Poff and Zahir (2008) found a positive and high statistical correla-
tion between organizational values ​a​ nd business results in their empiri-
cal study. In order for organizational culture to be a strategic advantage,
Barney (1986) says, culture must be important, it must lead to economic
success, it has to be specific, have characteristics that other businesses do
not have. As can be seen from the definition of an organizational culture,
it can also contain a way of thinking, acting. In this case, the designer
way of thinking. Julier (2013) argues that the culture of design as a widely
used term has been established over the past decade, and analytically de-
scribes the cooperation of domains of design, production and consump-
tion, within which values o​​ f value, circulation and practice are posed.

Performance in the market is one of the basic reasons why the compa-
ny even exists. As we can see, companies operate in a global environment
where design culture is strongly present. Already the employees are part
of this environment, and these values and behaviors are partially brought
into the working environment. On the other hand, we see that success-
ful companies are those who are aware of their cultural environment fol-
lowing changes and innovations, and they achieve these with the design-
ing mindset as the basic mode of operation. Research shows that those
companies that have a strong and special culture, integral to the values of
change and innovation, are successful on the market. In the work we ex-
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