Page 111 - Faganel, Armand, in Vera Fois. 2018. Dizajnerska kultura in nagrada za oblikovalske dosežke. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 111
Summary 111

is no relevant literature that would illuminate some of the basic concepts.
Therefore, special attention was given to the correct definition of the ba-
sic concepts. It should also be noted that in the book, we repeatedly refer
to definitions, definitions of key authors, especially in the field of design,
which enters and intertwines with the field of management.

When reviewing the literature, we found that a large part of the dif-
ferences in the concept of design management and design culture is im-
manent to design, and that it follows from the definition of design. De-
signers perceive design as a fundamental human activity, part of the
process of culturalization, they see design as the bearer of values and a
mean of communication between people, especially in modern society. In
this context, the process aspect of the definition should be highlighted,
where it is a matter of continuous processes and improvements, a contin-
uous process iteration, and the search for the best, most appropriate solu-
tions to the problem under consideration.
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