Page 47 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, eds. 2018. Zdravje starostnikov ▪︎ Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 47
importance of protein intake in older adults problemi in izzivi v prehrani starostnikov | nutrition problems and challenges in the elderly
Marjana Benigar Manias, Mojca Stubelj
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polje 42, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
An older adult is defined as a person aged 65 years or over. Aging is a process
that starts already at birth and cannot be prevented. Aging is associated with
changes in body composition in terms of a decline in muscle mass and func-
tion, and an increase in the percentage of body fat. Healthy lifestyle that in-
cludes sufficient physical activity and a balanced diet with high nutritional densi-
ty and adequate protein intake is important for quality and functional life in old
age. Because of age-related changes in protein metabolism and declined ana-
bolic response to ingested protein, need for protein increases in the elderly.
Insufficient protein intake is associated with certain age-related diseases such
as sarcopenia which can increases the risk of fractures and falls, loss of inde-
pendence, disability and mortality. The purpose of this paper is to provide rec-
ommendations for an adequate daily protein intake that would maintain health
and maximize function in older adults. A review of scientific research related to
protein intake and the preservation of muscle mass and function in the elderly
was carried out accordingly.
Keywords: proteins, muscle mass, functionality, older adults.

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