Page 23 - Potocco, Marcello, ed. 2018. Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature. The Crossroads of Literature and Social Praxis. Zbornik povzetkov. Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 23
Beguš the crossroads of literature and social praxis, ljubljana, 2018 21
University of Primorska
Technological Remediation of Genres and Literature

In this paper, I connect the concepts of genre, technology and re­
mediation, while emphasizing the influence of technology on genre
and discourse. This influence has been to a great extent neglected
in linguistic, literary and cultural research, since the analysis focus­
es mainly on the discursive interpretation of content while ignoring
the structural bias of the technological interface; the user is normal­
ly not aware of this bias as it is taken for granted. New technology
is creating a new environment and through the process of remedia­
tion it is transforming the existing genres and generating new ones.
The technological environment can thus be understood as a spe­
cial level of context between the textual (co-text) and the social
(context), which can be subject to material analysis. In my paper, I
tackle the concept of remediation by looking at the example of im­
aginative discourse (literature, film and AV media, music), and I de­
lineate, in rough outlines, the technological ecosystem and its inter­
nal genre relationships, while analyzing in more detail vaporwave as
an exemplary case of a new genre.
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