Page 58 - Potocco, Marcello, ed. 2018. Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature. The Crossroads of Literature and Social Praxis. Zbornik povzetkov. Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 58
eratura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature, ljubljana, 2018 56 kot 80 člankov. Nagrajena je bila s Znanstveno nagrado Grigola Ki­
knadzeja ter z Redom za zasluge gruzijskega predsednika.
Janez Strehovec is professor of new media art theory and direc­
tor of Institute of New Media Art and Electronic Literature, Lju�­
bljana. He authored eight scientific monographs, the most recent
being Text as Ride (2016). His English essays are included as book
chapters and published in scientific journals, such as Digital Creativ-
ity, CLC Web, CTheory, Journal of Popular Culture, Afterimage, Cybertext
Yearbook, Electronic Book Review, Cultura, Technoetic Arts, First Monday,
Teksty Drugie etc.
Janez Strehovec je direktor Inštituta za nove medije in elektron­
sko literaturo, Ljubljana. Je avtor osmih monografij, zadnja izmed
njih je Text as Ride (2016). Njegovi angleški eseji so vključeni kot pog�­
lavja v monografijah in objavljeni v številnih znanstvenih revijah, kot
so Digital Creativity, CLC Web, CTheory, Journal of Popular Culture, Afte-
rimage, Cybertext Yearbook, Electronic Book Review, Cultura, Technoetic
Arts, First Monday, Teksty Drugie idr.
Andrei Terian is professor of Romanian literature at the Universi-
ty of Sibiu and a senior researcher with the Institute of Literary Hi­
story and Theory of the Romanian Academy. His research focuses
on contemporary Romanian literature, cultural theory, the history
of modern criticism, comparative and world literature. He has pu­
blished essays and papers in Romania and abroad. His works inclu­
de two monographs and co-authorship in reference series on Ro­
manian and world literature.
Andrei Terian je profesor romunske literature na Univerzi v Sibiu
in znanstveni svetnik na Inštitutu za literarno zgodovino in teorijo
pri romunski Akademiji. Raziskovalno se osredinja na sodobno ro­
munsko književnost, kulturno teorijo, zgodovino sodobnega kriti­
štva ter svetovno književnost. Objavil je številne članke in prispevke
tako v Romuniji kot v tujini. Je avtor dveh monografij in soavtor re­
ferenčnih literarnozgodovinskih zbirk o romunkski in svetovni knji­
Tomaž Toporišič is a dramaturge and theatre theoretician. He
is Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana. He is author
of several books and readers including The Vulnerable Body of Text
and Stage and Occupying Spaces: Experimental Theatre in Central Eu-
rope. His essays include The new Slovene Theatre and Italian Futurism
(2014), (Re)staging the Rhetorics of Space (2014) and Deconstructive
Readings of the Avant-garde Tradition in Post-socialist Retro-avant-gar-
de Theatre (Aesthetics of Matter, 2013).
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