Page 54 - Potocco, Marcello, ed. 2018. Literatura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature. The Crossroads of Literature and Social Praxis. Zbornik povzetkov. Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 54
eratura v preseku družbe, družba v preseku literature, ljubljana, 2018 52 Ştefan Baghiu is a teaching assistant of Romanian literature and
literary theory at the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. His
main fields of research include literary translation as a cultural phe­
nomenon, quantitative literary research, cultural studies and Ro­
manian postwar literature. He has published studies in Studia Philo-
logia and Transilvania Review and has carried out a research project
in Greensboro, NC, USA. He also writes essays, mainly for the Cul-
tura review in Bucharest.
Ştefan Baghiu je asisten za romunsko literaturo in literarno teor­
ijo na Univerzi Lucijana Blaga v Sibiu. Njegova raziskovalna področja
vključujejo literarni prevod kot kulturni fenomen, kvantitativne lit­
erarne raziskave, kulturne študije in romunsko povojno literaturo.
Objavljal je v revijah Studia Philologia in Transilvania ter raziskoval v
raziskovalnem projektu v Greensboru (ZDA). Prav tako piše eseje,
večina za revijo Cultura iz Bukarešte.
Varja Balžalorsky Antić is literary theorist, poet and translator.
She works as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
Her main research fields include theory of poetic discourse, sub­
jectivity in literary discourse, rhythm analysis, contemporary poet­
ry and Medieval French literature. She has translated from French
and Serbian. She is the author of a collection of poems Vera Revjaki-
na’s B. Hat. Her monograph Lyrical subject. A Reconceptualisation will
appear this year.
Varja Balžalorsky Antić je literarna teoretičarka, pesnica in pre­
vajalka. Poučuje na Oddelku za primerjalno književnost in literarno
teorijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. Ukvarja se zlasti s teorijo pe­
semskega diskurza, subjektiviteto v literarnem diskurzu, ritemana­
lizo, sodobno poezijo in srednjeveško francosko literaturo. Preva­
ja iz francoščine in srbščine. Je avtorica pesniške zbirke Klobuk Vere
Revjakine B. Letos bo izšla njena monografija Lirski subjekt. Rekon-
Ana Beguš graduated in Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts,
University of Ljubljana, and received her doctoral degree in Philos­
ophy and Theory of Visual Culture at the Faculty of Humanities Ko­
per, University of Primorska. She lectures and does research in the
fields of Lingustics, Translation Studies and Semiotics, with special
emphasis on the analysis of the relation between text, discourse
and technology. She is also an active translator from English and
Ana Beguš je diplomirala iz prevajalstva na Filozofski fakulteti Uni­
verze v Ljubljani, doktorirala pa iz Filozofije in teorije vizualne kul­
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