Page 106 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 106
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 106 The inclusion of family in caring activities was significantly correlated to
the length of patients’ hospitalization. Greater quantity of visits by relatives to
the patient, reflected in shorter hospitalization period (r = -0.109; p = 0.023).

Non-acute care hospital department is intended for patients that primarily
need nursing services. Before admittion, the patient should be physically stable
considering that non-acute care programs do not allow diagnostic treatment.
This department prioritizes support, care and rehabilitation, adapted for geri-
atric patients.

In this study significant association has been found between the length
of hospitalization at non-acute care hospital department and: a.) total of dis-
charge nursing diagnosis; b.) type of medical discharge diagnosis; c.) and in-
clusion of family members in care activities. Length of stay was not correlated
to the observed demographic characteristics (gender, age), and neither to nurs-
ing care needs defined from nursing categories.

Findings from this study are supported from authors (Murko, et al., 2016;
Majcen Vivod, Vivod, 2012), as the age and the gender of patients does not af-
fect the length of hospitalization. An increase in women’s illness compared to
men is visible after age of 70, due to the longer life expectancy of women.

The correlation between nursing care categories, which describe patient
needs for care, and nursing diagnoses was significant, meaning that two indi-
cators are complementary. The sum of nursing diagnoses which were set up up-
on admission and discharge at the hospital, decreased from an average of 10 to
eight diagnosis per patient. Significant association between the two variables
suggests that nursing care has an important effect on patient needs, and im-
proved health status. Non-acute department activities are tailored to the elder-
ly, and based on support, care and rehabilitation.

Length of stay at the hospital was correlated to the type of medical dis-
charge diagnosis, where the longest time of hospitalization was characteristic
for hip fracture. Considering the positive relation of total hospitalization days
with typical and most common medical diagnosis of elderly, a special geriatric
care would be beneficial. Ellis et al. (2011) researched the effectiveness of treat-
ment in elderly who were addmited to the hospital. The study included a to-
tal of 10,315 patients from six countries. They examined hospital-rehabilitation
programs for patients with heart disease, neurological patients and patients
with lung and musculoskeletal disorders. Results show that patients includ-
ed in special geriatric treatment had higher probability of survival and inde-
pendency compared with the control group receiving standard hospital treat-
ment. Patients with geriatric treatment also were at lower risk deterioration of
health status and more likely improved cognitive abilities. Similarly Bachman
et al. (2010) measured the effects of hospital rehabilitation on patients with ge-
riatric treatment and on patients with standard health care. The study includ-
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