Page 120 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 120
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 120 D3: Due to the nature of the disorder (progressive disease) elderly peo-
ple with neuromuscular disorders are often forced to leave their ho-
me environment and move into an institution.

Advantages (A)
A1: Elderly people with neuromuscular disorders remain in a home

(closer or wider family circle) environment (family house/flat, home
neighbourhood, home village/settlement/city) and don’t move to a
removed location, where everything is new;
A2: Joy at accomplishing small successes and simple achievements;
A3: The activities of Muscular Dystrophy Association, as the national
representative organisation of disabled people with neuromuscular

Challenges (C)
C1: To live for as long as possible outside institutions and to inde-

pendently and autonomously organise all they need for their life;
C2: More understanding, support and cooperation of the wider society;
C3: Technical aids could improve quality of life in a home environment.

Dangers (D)
D1: The greatest fear of elderly disabled people with neuromuscular dis-

orders is the need to live in an institution;
D2: The society is »afraid« of elderly people with neuromuscular disor�-

ders, mainly due to stereotypical conceptions;
D3: Elderly people with neuromuscular disorders are afraid of the futu-

re, when they will be even more dependant.
Based on the interviews we have also created the Model for the percep-
tion of elderly disabled people with neuromuscular disorders in relation to the
environment that is shown in Figure 1.
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