Page 123 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 123
housing estate/settlement/city), we could manage their greatest fear: strategies for successful life in the home environment for elderly disabled people ... 123
living in institutions;
− Joy at accomplishing small successes and simple achievements
could help us deal with the fear of the society, that is afraid of elder-
ly disabled people with neuromuscular disorders due to stereotypi-
cal conceptions;
− The activities of Muscular Dystrophy Association (different ways of
assistance), as the national representative organisation of disabled
people with neuromuscular disorders could crucially influence the
reduction of fear in elderly disabled people with neuromuscular dis-
orders of their future, when they will be even more dependent.

WT strategy (a plan by which we prevent the danger from our weakness-

− We need to avoid pressure on elderly disabled people with neuro-
muscular disorders to live in institutions because the life at their
home environment and their independence are their highest values.

− We need to avoid stereotypical conceptions about elderly disabled
people with neuromuscular disorders because that would cause an
inappropriate attitude from the society toward elderly disabled peo-
ple with neuromuscular disorders in the environment where they

− We need to avoid an uncertain future for the elderly disabled peo-
ple with neuromuscular disorders. We need to prepare for their
future and ensure it, where key meaning will be their active inte-
gration into social networks, which shrink to a minimum with the
loss of a driver’s licence, architectural barriers, cold and snow in
the winter.


The study has indicated key elements, which are necessary for understanding
the needs of elderly disabled people with neuromuscular disorders to live in a
home environment. The strategies derived from the study indicate guidelines,
where we should focus our activity, as well as, which areas need additional
strengthening. In the future, strategies derived from this research, should be
compared with strategies prepared by the political bodies in the framework for
the preparation of the law on long term care and protection for the long-term
care. The topic of this study is very current, especially since demographic re-
search predicts big changes, for which we should prepare in time, if we want to
successfully manage them.
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