Page 122 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 122
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 122 rounded with smaller circles, which represent positive and negative influences,
as well as the influences of joy and fear. The results of the qualitative research
were the basis for the SWOT analysis that showed different strategies for liv-
ing independently in a home environment for the elderly disabled people with
neuromuscular disorders:

SO strategy (in which we take advantage of advantages to take advantage
of opportunities)

− Older people with neuromuscular disorders can stay longer in a
home environment, closer and wider family environment, with the
help of technical aids, which can significantly improve the quality
of life in a home environment;

− With the help of Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia (dif-
ferent ways of assistance) elderly people with neuromuscular disor-
ders have some basic corner blocks for a dignified life outside insti-
tution and for an independent organisation of all the necessities for
their life;

− With the happiness of small accomplishments and simple achieve-
ments elderly disabled people with neuromuscular disorders can
help us achieve more understanding, support and cooperation of a
wider society.
WO strategy (in which we overcome weaknesses to take advantage of op-


− The fact that elderly people with neuromuscular disorders due to
the nature of the disease are often forced to leave their home envi-
ronment and move into institutions could be prevented with en-
abling a dignified and independent life outside institutions for as
long as possible;

− Appropriate behaviour of the society toward elderly people with
neuromuscular disorders in an environment where they choose to
live could be achieved with more understanding, support and coop-
eration of the wider society;

− Limited integration into social networks and few contacts with the
surroundings due to architectural barriers, isolation in winter due
to the cold and snow could be overcome with technical aids, which
could improve the quality of life in a home environment.
ST strategy (in which we identify the benefits that can help us overcome

the threats)

− With efforts to enable elderly disabled people with neuromuscu-
lar disorders to stay in a closer or wider family home environment
(family house/apartment, home neighbourhood, home village/
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