Page 62 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2018 5th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2018
P. 62
Figure 1: Display of time complexity communication between parties and the size of the output
from the algorithm - key. The experiment has been success-
bytes of communication, BCNS15 8,320, and classical algo- fully performed, with many repetitions for better confidence
rithms ∼ 10 times less (DH-1024, RSA-1024 256 bytes, RSA- into the results, which are then analyzed and graphically
2048 512 bytes, RSA-3072 768 bytes, ECCDH 64 bytes ). presented. Some potential candidate algorithms proved to
Frodo algorithm has average time complexity, but the great- be very promising. The interpretation of the results presents
est communication. The algorithms of the super-singular the most successful algorithms in three different domains:
Diffie-Hellman group (SIDH and SIKE) have the smallest time complexity, communication complexity and key size.
communication complexity, but are the slowest of all mea- Today, when online communication is very fast, the differ-
sured post-quantum encryption algorithms. The SIDH and ence in communication complexity, given the speed of on-
SIKE keys are comparable to the RSA equivalent. In prac- line communication, is negligible, and therefore it is safe
tice, asymmetric encryption algorithms have predefined pa- to conclude that BCNS15, LN16 and NewHope algorithms,
rameters, which results in faster performance. Figure 1 which have proven to be the fastest but have relatively large
shows that BCNS15, LN16 and NewHope are also faster communication requirements, can become an alternative to
than DH-1024, which have predefined parameters. BCNS15, RSA, ECC and DH.
LN16 and NewHope do not have predefined parameters in
our case. RSA, DH and ECC have a smaller, better, com- 6. REFERENCES
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