Page 59 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2018 5th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2018
P. 59
problem of quantum computers in cryptography and
post-quantum cryptography

Dino Vlahek

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor
Koroška cesta 46

SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia

ABSTRACT Cryptography (ECC)) or problem of factoring positive inte-
gers is an example of (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)) the
This paper presents the problem that quantum computing problems that quantum computers can solve faster and more
brings to modern cryptography. The basics of post-quantum reliably. Despite the fact that there is a few more years (or
cryptography and concepts of modern cryptography with an decades) before the emergence of effective physical quan-
emphasis on the most useful asymmetric encryption algo- tum computers [6], today experts in the field of cryptogra-
rithms are shown. The paradigms of post-quantum cryp- phy and security are already preventively solving the prob-
tographic algorithms, which were implemented in the Open lems brought by quantum computing. It is necessary to
Quantum Safe project and whose effectiveness can be com- know and understand which solutions, resistant to quan-
pared with the most popular modern ones, were explained tum computing, already exist and on which mathematical
and analysed further in this paper. To compare perfor- models they were based. Existing solutions of asymmet-
mances, a test of the time and communication capabili- ric cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to quantum
ties of selected algorithms was made, the results of which attacks will be compared to existing most popular asymmet-
were graphically and descriptively presented. The results of ric cryptographic algorithms (RSA, DH, ECC). Asymmet-
the experiment showed that there is an effective quantum- ric cryptographic algorithms, implemented within the Open
resistant alternative to existing asymmetric encryption al- Quantum Safe project (Open Quantum Safe (OQS)) will be
gorithms. used, the efficiency of which will be compared with RSA,
DH and ECC asymmetric encryption algorithms. Efficiency
Categories and Subject Descriptors measurements will be made, which will yield the results of
comparing the efficiency of quantum-resistant asymmetric
E.3 [DATA ENCRYPTION]: Miscellaneous; E.4 [CODING algorithms (i.e., post-quantum cryptography) and existing
AND INFORMATION THEORY]: Miscellaneous; D.2.8 asymmetric encryption algorithms (RSA, DH, ECC).
[Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity measures,
performance measures


Theory, Experiment The concept of asymmetric cryptography occurred due to
an attempt to attack two biggest problems of symmetric
Keywords cryptography: the problem of key distribution and digital
signing. The key distribution problem in symmetric cryp-
cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, quantum com- tography is defined by the way two participants share the
puter, asymmetric encryption algorithms, keys same key over an unsecured communication channel. A dig-
ital signature gives the recipient a reason to believe that
1. INTRODUCTION a message has been created by a known sender who can
not decline the sent message and that the message has not
Quantum computer is a computer model that works differ- been changed in the transition. Asymmetric cryptography
ently from the classical one. It is based on quantum mechan- is based on two different keys: the encryption key and the
ical phenomena, which makes it easier to solve certain prob- decryption key. The basic steps of asymmetric cryptography
lems that classical computers can not solve or need for it in- are as follows [11]:
finite resources [8]. For example, the problem of discrete log-
arithm (Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DH), Elliptic-Curve • Each user makes a pair of keys that will be used to
encrypt and decrypt the message.

• Each user gives one key in a public register or in a
publicly accessible file. This key is a public key, and
the other is a private key.

• Each user makes his own collection of public keys of
other users with whom he communicates. If the sender
wishes to send a confidential message to the recipient,

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2018 5th Student Computer Science Research Conference DOI: 61
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 October
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